Friday, September 6, 2013

Waldorf, Waldorf, Waldorf

Anyone who has heard me rant or rave about early childhood ed knows that I'm interested in holistic and play-based curriculums; the specific curriculum that has always 'spoken' to me is Waldorf.

For the first time in my life, I had the chance to walk onto a real, living, breathing Waldorf campus. I must say, the whole sensory experience walking up was just as I imagined. The beautiful flowers, trees and plants that greet you. The warm, sing-song voice of the gentle preschool teacher saying her good mornings and giggles of children as they met up with their friends in the school yard. The sweet smell of a fresh snack (apples and raw honey) on the porch of the 3-4 year old classroom- essential oils and lavender dr. bronners in warm water perfuming the air, with a stack of fresh towels for the children to wash their hands and feet before entering their classroom. For all of the five minutes I got to visit the compound style campus- I was in awe.

I was so excited, to finally meet a teacher I know almost for certain will become a mentor of mine. She suggested that we meet sometime for dinner and offered to give me a tour of the campus when the children weren't there so we could talk Waldorf. Leaving with a smile, I knew that I'd be back tomorrow morning to drop one of my kiddos off.

For the rest of the day, I hung out with my baby-pal and then picked up my official off-duty mini-van and ran a few errands. I came back to the house around 2 to make snack for the kids, read some books and then was off again to get yogabrained- really nice, close-to-the-ground-twisty-heady-opening-deep-breathing-make-ya-feel-strong kinda practice. I really have enjoyed this studio, I'm really considering making the plunge for the monthly membership.

Later, after dinner I was checking my email and saw a forwarded email from my Kula mama. The Haleakala Waldorf school is currently accepting applications for substitute teachers- SCORE! SCORE! SCORE! SCORE! So, as I did for my current dream job- I used the excitement for the posting to conjure up a heart-felt cover letter on the spot and sent it right away. Within 20 minutes, I received a response asking for an interview Monday. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! The family really wants me to become involved at the school- which helps the home/school connection AND my professional development! YAAAAAAAAAY! I cannot even believe how cool this opportunity is. All of the teachers I met today were absolutely lovely and in my minds eye, I can see myself realistically teaching at this dreamy school someday. Imagine that, Betsy Shiner- Waldorf teacher on Maui. WHAT?! This life of mine has truly soared into places I didn't even consider possible a few months ago pretty quickly.  If May2013 me read some of these blog posts, I'd probably would have giggled and said, "HA! Yeah, maybe in my dreams...."


Let the universe keep doin' its work. Cheers to a round of positive vibes and love- on me!

Aloha Pumehana,


1 comment:

  1. None of this surprises me, just keep following your dreams where they take you.......
