Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Green Poop

I ate breakfast before 6 AM.

Out of nowhere, the eldest son put himself in time out (really, no kidding, he asked me to help him set the time for five minutes and then climbed up into the chair) and said "I'm studying"
I asked, "Okay, what are you studying"
"I'm just studying self control"
We had a nice conversation as I emptied the dishwasher and he happily climbed out of the chair when the timer beeped. So silly.

I played soccer before 8 AM.
I was told that "you just have to bump into each other sometimes in soccer- thats how you play" when I was concerned that they were getting a little competitive. They were super happy and they weren't hurting each other so I let them go. The older bro gave the little bro a compliment and said told him he was going to be a really good soccer player because he kept stealing the ball away. I'm actually quite impressed with both of their ball handling skills- dribbling, passing, shooting- seriously for three and five they are pretty talented.

I practiced yoga at 9 AM. Awesome class with Tawney. Lots of balancing and we got into side crow in a brand new (for me) way.

I read at Casanova- recognized as a regular for the first time there today. Now feelin' 'local' at two coffee shops. Woops- thought that feelin' would be done after college. Read more of Steiner's lectures. Still finding it fascinating the way he ties Eastern philosophy into early 20th century child development and education. Super cool. Loving learning more about this. Makin' me thirsty for more knowledge- woop wooop.

Yep- sayin' it: I'm love early childhood development and I chose this life. Nannying is cool because I get to watch three different kids progress and grow everyday. They learn and they ask questions. And- kids love learning about their bodies and observing the simple facts of life. Today, a discovery was made and talking about it is just part of my job. Today, I learned that FACT: green poop is the stinkiest poop. "Yep, you're right. I'd agree with that observation- green poop is pretty stinky" Moooovin' on

I did some laundry. Sometimes, powerful winds come down Haleakala. This makes drying laundry outside very efficient. I swear- it almost seems to dry faster than it does in the dryer. BUT these powerful winds can be a bit wild sometimes.  I narrowly missed getting sliced by the falling umbrella-style clothesline that was loaded with towels and clothes. WHOA. The car also narrowly missed getting scratched. YIKES.

Went to dinner with the fam for the Kula Mama's birthday. We went to a pizza place- don't remember the name- and had an eggplant, spinach, ricotta, red-onion and roasted red-pepps pizza. YUMMO

Tired as tired gets.

Aloha pumehana,


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