Friday, September 13, 2013

On the day between 9/11 and Friday the 13th, it was very hot

I just realized that I didn't even acknowledge 9/11 verbally or in written word on here. I did listen to an NPR piece about how some are choosing to remember the community coming together rather than the bombing- it has actually become (one of) the biggest service days in America. Interesting. I don't know how I feel about it all- I still remember being in Ms. Hammersly's class when it all happened. I feel like there are some fishy missing details- such as building seven WTC coming down in NYC. I don't know- don't feel like getting all conspiracy theory-y on here but really. Look into that stuff its weird.

Anway, back to Hawaii business. It was really stinkin' hot today. Because the microclimates on the island- I have experienced 'this hot' here before, but NOT in Kula. It was 93 degrees upcountry! Dang!

After playin' some ball this morning I got to hang out with the babe and do some hammock swinging again. Its so cute- he is such an out-door guy. Probably 90% he is crying, if you bring him outside he chills out and just looks around. Whether you just walk around on the porch, around the yard, take him for a walk or to the beach- he loves being in the breezy shade. But, when we were swinging in the hammock, he got bit by a mosquito and he didn't like it so we went back inside.

At around one o'clock I headed into the school to meet with the principal for my substitute interview. She already had heard about me through Ms. G (the teacher I'd met with) and she was happy to see that I had a background in Early Childhood Ed. I'd say, that the interview went very well. I just need to turn in a huge stack of paperwork and get my TB test done and I'm pretty sure I'll be on the list! Wahoo for my resume and learning opportunities!

This afternoon we made delicious chocolate peanut butter and banana smoothies. I pretty much despise bananas in their pure form- have since I could say 'no'. However, I learned while working at Juice Nation in Lansing that I can stomach them when they are disguised as a reese's smoothie and they can actually be delicious. (1 banana, 1 TBS or so of cocoa powder, a big scoop of PB, some honey, about a 1/3 cup of your preferred milk and some protein powder if you're into that kinda thing- deeeelectable)

We went outside to color. One boy drew a red race track and the other boy drew three ninjas. He described to his mama that there was a fire, a charcoal (shoots out charcoal and covers people in rocks) and a water ninja (the water ninja does NOT like the fire ninja and he always put out the fires). I drew the West Maui Mountain view that I see driving up country. The older child asked if it was Haleakala- which was a preettttty good guess for my still incomplete crayon scribble drawing (wrong side of the island but it made me feel proud that he at least kinda knew what I was going for)

Thennnnn me and the younger dude decided play with our gak again. At first, we were just making snakes and piles of gak squeezing it thru our fingers and feeling how awesome gak feels but then, we started making pictures.  Then, it transformed into making animals by making little shapes and connecting them. And then he made a whole trail of 'stepping stones' from one side of the table to the other and was using his fingers to jump across. He was pretty dedicated to the cause and spent a lot of time on it- both a fine motor activity and serious attention to task, ding ding ding (preschoool teacher braaaaaaain) I made a crocodile, an eel, a pirana and a jellyfish and his older bro made a giraffe
in the river so that his little finger man jumping across had a reason to use the 'steppin' stones'

Then we played basketball and ate dinner.

Now its bed time.

Its pretty fun getting to know these guys. I'm feeling pretty at home even though I miss my other home. Thinking about it that way- 'another home to add to my list of homes' helps.
I was thinking today about the phrase 'count your blessings' and realizing really what it meant. Its so important to appreciate all the wonderful opportunities that come to you. If you choose to be happy about the good things, you manifest that 'good' thought and have more appreciation. If you dwell on things you're bummin' about, you manifest that 'bad' feeling and just feel bummin'. Simple and silly thought, but really- count your blessings! I am so grateful for this adventure. I'm actively choosing not to dwell on 'missing out' on things or being homesick- gotta think positive to feel positive <3

Aloha pumehana,


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