Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pretty sure I don't have TB

So, I'm lookin' at my arm and its not red and puffy and irritated. Looks like another year of life lived successfully without contracting tuberculosis! Good thing I get to have this test done every year as an early childhood educator- ya never know unless you check. Tomorrow, unless I somehow catch TB overnight, I get my 'official' clearance on TB and Friday I get finger-printed. Pretttty sure I'm golden.

Hung out with the dudes this morning. After a little confusion I went to my second class as an official member. I got to meet another teacher, Sally. She taught a 'Jungle Flow' (power) class. I enjoyed the class. She got us into the flow and challenged us. We found headstand and for the first time ever I stayed in it for more than a few seconds- I was in it long enough to realize I wasn't falling over. Thanks for working with me, mind, body and gravity, we really pulled it together. I didn't even fall out of it- I chose to get out of it because my neck started to feel a little funky and I'm not into neck-funk. Its interesting getting to know different teachers in the studio and their styles. There are some postures we find almost every day that I'd never seen before coming to Maui- we do a lot of shoulder work that I'm still trying to feel out. Like belly down, legs behind flat on the ground and then coming into sphinx (forearms and elbows on the ground under your shoulders) and then crossing them working your arms in opposite directions (left arm works right and right arm works left) under your upper chest so they're totally crossed. I don't know- it just makes me feel really cramped and uncomfortable and they talk about how good it feels- but I guess pigeon is horribly uncomfortable for a lot of people and I love it... haha I think I'm gonna ask a teacher after class next time it pops up.

 I talked to my mama and read the newspaper at Casanova. I saw Ms. Kara there, she was a happy little barista in a busy cafe. Thennnn I came home to prepare a picnic snack, grab some books, sunscreen and soccer balls for the dudes. I picked them up from school and took them to the AWESOME ocean-view soccer field park. We kicked the ball around, practiced passing when someone say "I'm open!", dribbling and KICKIN' DA BALL IN DA NET. We ate some apples and honey, cashews and raisins and sipped on some water as I read "Scrawney Cat". Its a really cute story about a stray cat who finds an owner. They love it because before the cat accidently sails out to sea when he was getting chased by a dog everyone calls him "GET OUTTTTAAA HERRRRE". Silly book, but great artwork. A real tearjerker for cat ladies and men.

We got home and played outside for a bit and then made some delish breakfast for dinner. and now here I am! TB free and writing to you! I think I'm gonna read some articles or maybe watch some NETFLIX from my daddio and then hit the hay.

Aloha Pumehana,


1 comment:

  1. I bet the reason that everyone in your classes loves those shoulder, arm, and chest postures is because they spend so much time swimming and surfing! You should get out there and catch a wave or two, I know that I would if I lived in Hawaii...

    Wow, listen to me telling you how to live your life in the land of beautiful sunsets and rainbows. You should do what you love and love what you do! Keep the posts coming, I love hearing about your adventures.

    I hope we can do a google video call sometime in the near future?
