Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Surfin' on the Green Sea

I slept in a little by accident today. I was having the most realistic dream that a bunch of friends and I were preparing for a Phish show. We were going to ride a bus there and I was getting ready to go. A friend had a bunch of my jewelry and put it in a bag to return to me before we took off- two of the necklaces in the bag were lost last spring and I was really excited to get them back. I went into a filing cabinet to find my tickets and they weren't there (somehow this wasn't too alarming) and I decided to just get some at the show. I remember a lot of friends being there but specifically Jaclyn and Jake because they said "Oh yeah, scalpers are always at Phish shows. Don't worry about it" (they actually have dealt with this before) I also remember Poma telling me to get hype because I was about to have the best time at my first Phish show (funny)- and we talked about our Summercamp Trey experience. Anyway- it was really weird because the whole time in the dream, I knew that I was in Maui but I was also on the mainland and thinking about plane tickets. Strange.

Often times, the front yard transforms into a Green Sea. When this happens, we instantaneously become pirates or surfers. Yesterday morning- the pirates were Aye-aye-aye-eatin' their breakfasts when suddenly the floor was covered in crumbs. I was frightened because crumb-sharks of the green sea's FAVORITE food group is crumbs. To save the house, the pirates IMMEDIATELY ran to get our defense mechanisms- armed with a vacuum, broom and dustpan they returned and cleaned under the table.... and then the whole kitchen. We were safe.

This morning, before school, the younger boy ran up to me and said, "I want to surrrrf!" He had a boogie board with a leash- he kneels and holds on and I get to drag him through the green-sea. It was a greaat early morning weighted-jog for me and wonderful large motor muscle and balance work for him. We got to do the saaaaame thing this afternoon (the yard is pretty huge) but he stood and balanced! It was actually pretty impressive on both our parts- made me proud.

I went to yoga then read more of the Steiner lectures during my morning break. I was feeling slightly less ADD today, so I only brought one book (trying to train my wild attention span).

The rest of the afternoon was filled with sweet-little-smiley-babe-holding and some tummy play time and a stroller walk. When the dudes came back we green-sea-surfed and had hammock-story time/hammock twirlin'/swinging and then I made DELICIOUS stuffed mushrooms and a quinoa kale salad that the Kula-mama found recipes for. YUM YUM. I would have never made either of those but now I know howwww and I willlllllll!

After dinner I made some more almond milk in the vitamix- SO EASY. Basically you just blend 3 cups of water and 1 cup of almonds. If you don't mind the pulp you stop here. Thats what I did last time, but this time I wanted to try straining it so I used a cheese cloth and squeezed it all out. THEN to get all the protein from the nut-pulp I put it BACK in the vitamix and added brown cow full fat maple syrup yogurt, a lil scoop of cocoa powder, a dash of vanilla, some ice and a teeny squirt of honey and remixed. OH- SUCH A GREAT IDEA. Probably the best remix I've ever created. I was super full from dinner though so I put it in the freezer after making myself want to puke after eating half of it. I'll add some yog or kefir in the morning and re-remix it. I'm stoked.

Anyway I wanna get some rest so I'm all ready for tomorrow. I've been trying to consume less caffeine as part of my clarity cleanse. Its really tough when your favorite morning flavor is coffee and you feel like decaf is silly EVEN if you're not tired. Woof.

Aloha Pumehana,


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