Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jam-eggs, Cookies and Makana

So yesterday started with a bang! I took the kids to school and then had to head down to Wailuku to get finger printed. Because the first appointment was a no-show, I had the quickest DHS visit of my life. Every time I went in Lansing I had to wait for about 10-15 years to be seen, just to get paperwork or ask  a question; here, I was literally the only person in line.
The lady who took my fingerprints on the fingerprint machine was very kind. We talked about the unique-ness of each person's print and she said mine were cool and easy to read. She told me stories about people who have tried to sandpaper theirs off (successful, but you can still read the side of the hand prints) and also people who etch into their prints to change the lines. One person she printed in her career had an (un-etched, natural) palm-tree print on one of her fingers. She said sometimes she thinks about making art from finger prints; I think she should. Because she sees so many of them- she sees different patterns and different styles. Some, she said, remind her of the sun and of waves.  I never really think about my fingerprints but she gave me a new appreciation for them. They really do look pretty neat when they are all blown up on the screen.  She pointed out that a few of mine have a concentric pattern going on and she really liked it. What an interesting profession to choose.

After I got back from Wailuku I spent some time working on some chores around the house then went to yoga at 4:30. It was with the teacher that I didn't particularly like before but I actually really enjoyed the second half of the class. She was a little like Tony Little in the beginning but after all the aerobics/work-out feeling stuff, we got into some nice flows. We ended class with three ohms which I really love doing and it made me feel at home. I am officially shakin' off all the bad feelings I had from those first few classes with her. She also has the least distracting playlists- lots of beats antique and some theivary corp.

Anita mentioned at the end of class that it was "Third Fridays" in Makawao. Its basically a down-town block party similar to Friday Nite Live in Traverse City. I decided I wanted to get some of my friends down there- so I went home took a shower and got ahold of Kara and Anna. Kara was in Kihei but Anna was down so I scooped her up and we followed the music until we found the stage. The artist performing this week was Makana, a Hawaiian slack key guitarist ( He was INCREDIBLE- at one point he had a flutist come on stage with him and they played a South American tune. I was really happy we went. He was playing at Casanova later in the evening but it was ten dollars so we decided to skip it.

I checked out Anna's 'ohana' when I dropped her off. She is WOOFing and has a SWEET set up. She works 20 hours a week for a little studio apartment in the basement of these hippy farmer's house. They own an Ayurvedic medicinal farm. She helps them and they help her- seems like a good working relationship.

This morning I woke up and tried 'oil pulling' for the second time. Its an Ayurvedic practice- you basically swish or 'pull' an oil (I have been using coconut oil) through your teeth first thing in the morning- before you eat or drink anything- and it helps clean your teeth and gums, pull out bacteria and other toxins. Its also good for your immune system and overall well being. You spit it out (don't ingest, because its full of all the bad stuff) and then swish with water, brush your teeth and then go on with your day. People report feeling more awake in the morning and just feelin' better/healthier. So far, it seems pretty cool. I want to try doing it every day for a while and see how it works for me.

After I did my coconut oil, I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I went to the garage to grab some eggs and one of my dudes came up to me and asked "Aaare you makin' jam eggs." My variation of jam eggs basically is just eggs in a nest cooked medium smeared with my current jam- today, Organic Strawberry. "Yes, I am! One spicy egg and one jam egg" He is fascinated with jam eggs- but hadn't tried one yet. He likes toast, will tolerate eggs and makes a point to eat strawberry jam everyday. Every time he has seen me eating them he gets reallllly suspicious (he is a really silly guy) and I allllways ask if he'd like to try and he responds "Oh, I donn't know. I just don't trust jam eggs"Juuuust as I finished up making them, he came into the kitchen again and I asked, as usual, "So, would you like to try a jam egg?" Instead of his usual response he said, "Welllll, I just don't trust 'em. But, I think I will try it."
My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it- he has used his uncertainty about jam-eggs in completely unrelated situations (example: at the park with his mom, he was unsure about some monkey bars and told her, "Mom, I just don't trust these- just like I don't trust jam-eggs) so this was truly a break through. So, although I wasn't actually planning on sharing, I gave him the first bite- I cut off a chuck, smeared some jam on and handed it to him. He looked at it, and took a big bite. His eyes brightened up, he smiled and with a big grin he said, "JAM EGGS TASTE LIKE FRENCH FRIES! YUM! LETS HAVE JAM EGGS FOR DIIINNNNER!" HAHAHAHA I seriously almost lost it. He started doin' a food dance and ate the rest of his bite. He ran around and told his brother and his mom, "WOW! JAM EGGS ARE GOOD! I LIKE THEM!" It was absolutely hilarious. Best moment of my day.

I went to yoga- it was surprisingly busy in Makawao and I could barely find a parking spot. I was juuuuuuust in time and the room was fuulll. Trish, the teacher, saw me and told me we could make room. We had about an inch between each mat and the vibes in the room were awesome. I always love that- when there are about 5 too-many people in the room, but somehow no one falls when you're in balancing poses and no one gets knocked over coming into headstands and you occasionally share mats; everyone is beaming and there are occasional giggles. It was a fabulous class. I really enjoyed it.
After class I sat in the sprinkling rain under an almost entirely blue sky and full sunshine. Totally Hawaiian weather. Chatted with my sister Tisha for a bit and then read more of my Steiner lectures. Every time I pick up that book it blows my mind- some of the things he says are so current but it was all written in the first half of the 1900s. Crazy.

I had to work with the kiddos at 2 pm. A handyman, Adam, was here- we ate lunch outside on the porch and the Kula dad invited Adam to sit with us. He had a beard- the oldest son is totally fascinated with beards. Immediately he said, "Betsy! He looks just like your dad!" (except twenty years younger... and not at all haha) He asked him the funniest questions; whats your favorite color? what would you rather ride an elephant, a camel or a zebra? What color donnnn't you like... does it start with a P- P- puhhhhiiiiinnnnk? Silly dude. Adam told us about his goat and veggie farm and he seems like a pretty neat guy.
After lunch, the guys were having a hard time letting Adam work so I took them down to Pukalani  to ride bikes around this walking track park and playground. As all playgrounds in the area, the Pukalani park had an INCREDIBLE view. You could see both coasts of the island- ocean view- and of course the majestic West Maui mountains. There was a rainbow over the hills and it was gorgeous. Its times like these, when I'm running around at a playground and so casually witness such a beautiful place that I cannnot believe this is where I live. Nutz.

When we got back, we made some cookies. I didn't know where the brown sugar was so me and the younger bro found a recipe that called for just white sugar and honey. We made chocolate chip cookies but we added peanut butter to half the batch. Sooooo gooood. He is great at mixing and portioning/droppin dough. We turned on the light in the oven and he gave me the play-by-play of the science going on inside. "BETTTSSSYYY they are chaaaaaaaangin'. They're melllltin', they look like marrrrrbles. BETTTTTTTSSSSSSY they are cookin'. BETTTTTSY are they done? Can we eat'em. BETSSY look, feel when you put your fingers here you can feel the hot air comin' out. BETTSY the timers going off! Are they done! Yum. They look yummy!" We finished making the cookies and gobbled a bunch and we did food dances.

The 'rents went out to dinner so we had pizza at home. They took a bath and then the 'rents came back. I was going to go out but I was tired. And then I was going to watch netflix but I was too indecisive and kept switching movies- couldn't decide if I was in the mood for a comedy or a documentary. So I decided to blog instead. And now I'm definitely ready to snuggle into bed and read for a bit before closing my eyes.

Aloha pumehana,


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