Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Woke up today and had some mini-wheats to power my morning. Read some Dr. Seuss, took out some trash and did some lions breath, warrior and dog postures with the dudes. The five year old taught me a pose he has coined 'cricket' its sort of like a squat, but we jump around a bit and make cricket noises. Preettty fun. Then, they went to school and I babysat a thermometer for some home-made yogurt that my Kula-mom had started to make, read some chapter-books and drank some chai on the porch. 

When she returned from dropping the boys off, I made a bagel sandwich and went to get some iced essssspressso at Cassanova. Because I had the afternoon off, I really wanted to spend some time at a park and a read more from the stack of books I've been reading.
For the past week, I've been  I really wanted to go to Rainbow Park- which is in between Makawao and Paia. Its located on a stretch between two really sharp pin turns and there is only side-of-the-road parking on one side, so you have to plan on stopping or you'll miss it. Every time I drive by, though my eyes feast on the wide variety of trees, the dainty-one-picnic-table pavilion and cute little stone benches scattered around the park. There are a number of flowering trees, different kinds of conifers and big canopied shade trees. Man, its a cool place. Anyway, I finally made the decision to intentionally stop and picnic. When I arrived, I met some nice older ladies who informed me that over the course of the year most of the trees flower- gahhhhhh- perhaps why its donned, "Rainbow Park"!
Anyway, from my stack I grabbed and read a few chapters of: "Its Okay Not to Share!" part of my nanny-reading, "Light on Life" Iyengar yoga reading, and "Education of the Child"Steiner lectures- Waldorf reading. I've been re-reading Light on Life and as always, love everything so eloquently Iyengar says. So inspiring. Today was the first time I read the Steiner lectures- I only read part of the first chapter before I had to go but WOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW so cool! He was talking about concepts he called "Spiritual Science" that seem totally relevant and way, way ahead of his time. When I talked to Ms. G about his writing she told me they were fascinating but just the short passage I read today geared me up! I'm stoked to keep reading his work! Brilliant!

I came home and when the guys got back from school we all made some smoothies together. Mango, strawberry, peach orange-juice. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooo! The oldest child and I played some basketball for a bit and then both the boys and I played on a hammock swing their dad just hung.

The parents took off for the evening and we decided to do some SCIENCE and made some Gak! Probably one of my favorite, most exciting and easy pre-school activities (2 parts glue, 1 part liquid cornstarch, food coloring) They totally dug it. We made BEARDS and mustaches and long wiggling walking sticks, bounced it off the table and giggled a lot.

For dinner, we had quesadillas and then they took a bath and went to bed.

Now, its time for me to go to bed.

Aloha Pumehana,


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