Friday, September 27, 2013

Shadows follow you wherever you go

One of my dudes was really frightened of shadows the other night at dinner. His parents were out on a date and everything in the house was scaring him. If you have never been in a big house, that doesn't belong to you, on an island, alone with a terrified kid who is pointing out anything that could potentially be scary- you might think it would be easy to calm him down. He was convinced that the Buddah statute and paintings were moving and that they were evil. He wanted to destroy his parents artwork. It was even scaring me, at one point. The shadow-fright carried on for the next few days. It would become dusk, he would become a scaredy cat (weird for him because he is very outgoing and very confident)
Anyway- point of this story: Yesterday morning he was standing near a white wall with a light right above him. He put his arms over his head and then started waving them back and forth and declared in a crazy-kid voice "WATCH! I'm making my shadow move. I like it. HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!" (I had already shown him this about a thousand times- but this was a breakthrough for this week)

Yesterday I got to 'shadow' a teachers aide at Waldorf! So, I followed her around everywhere she went and did what she did- kind of like a real shadow. I arrived when the children were having snack. I was greeted by the magical teacher (my new mentor Ms. G)- she asked if I'd like tea or coffee with some whipped cream they made for a birthday celebration. Obviously I chose coffee with the homemade-whipped cream. It was slightly sweet and slowly melted into my hot, super strong coffee. What a brilliant idea for coffee creamer- I never thought of doing that- TOTALLY stealing that idea.
My magical mentor was just about to start an oral telling of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" her team-teacher, Ms. L was slicing and passing out apples and scooping up 'jusssssssst right' porridge for children that was made during free choice time.
I listened to the story and about halfway through- Ms. A, the teacher-aide I was shadowing arrived. She and I helped the children to compost their leftovers, and soak their (REAL) dishes after story time. We loaded the dishwasher and tidied the room a bit as the children used the bathroom and started to head out for a walk around campus. After we tidied we went to find them and then helped supervise 'yard play'. Early childhood teachers at this school watch the children and sometimes help initiate play but mostly try to engage in and model 'real work' so the kids can join or just observe- weeding and tending to their gorgeous garden, cleaning, setting up lunch (which they eat on their classroom porch daily :) ) or whatever needs to be done.
When it was just about time for the children to go inside- we got some warm washcloths with lavender Dr. Bronner's ready to wash their faces, hands and feet before entering the Hawaii-style-no-shoes classroom. This is an everyday activity- sweet, soothing lavender cleanse before lunch.
Then they had lunch and we went to watch the fifth graders have recess and have our own lunch. I really enjoyed talking to Ms. A- she is from Japan and has lived all over the world. She is also trained in ECE and has two sons enrolled in the Haleakala school. She was very encouraging and kind. That campus is just absolutely brimming with positive vibes, beauty and love. Everyone I meet there is so genuinely happy with their job and location. I absolutely love it.
After the bell chimed, the fifth graders went back to their classroom and we went back down to the preschool. The children were jussst laying down to nap and I was instructed to "find a pillow, a blankie and cuddle up". I was supposed to make children who were having a hard time falling asleep comfortable, rest my eyes and make sure they knew it was okay to sleep. Real life, next week I'll be subbing in a classroom that I can cuddle and nap with kids who were recently washed off with calming lavender soaps. WHAT?! REAL LIFE?!?! Awesome.
After nap, the children were dismissed and I went home to hang out with my kiddos and then went to yoga.

Today- we had a typical morning and then after yoga I noticed I had a message from my dear friend Hawaii Fun Suzy and gave her a call! She is one of my moms close friends from highschool that I've known since childhood- shes lived here on Maui for nearly 30 years and moved Up Country (near me) a couple of years ago. She happened to be driving riiiight by my house and suggested we go out to lunch. I got to meet her buddy and we all went down to Haiku for some Thai food. It was super delicious and I was so happy to meet up with her! I think I'll go over to her house tomorrow or the next day.

When the boys got home we made some super dank smoothies. One was strawberry vanilla with (secretly added silken tofu and coconut milk) and the other was strawberry, pineapple, yogurt with spirulina AKA 'the secret greeeeen ingredient'. We had little glass of each- both were great but the second one was SO GOOD and the most beaaaaaautiful dark teal color (because of the spirulina) and I loved them.

Made dinner and then got some postcards ready to send out. Now gettin' tired and ready for bed.


Aloha Pumehana,


1 comment:

  1. The kids' shadow fright is really interesting--mainly because I remember encountering the same scariness when I was little. I remember waking up at night and "seeing" the stuffed animals and other items moving for about four seconds before my eyes and brain snapped to, like my toys were having a dance party. I've always wondered if the spirit world likes to rave when no one is looking....
