Monday, September 23, 2013

Derrrrrp I finally picked up a paint brush in Maui

Today, I woke up around seven on my day off. Even though I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed at this time on weekends- I'm still not mentally used to it. Its super funny too, because the boys think its SO WEIRD that I'm not up when they wake up. Today my little one asked, "Betsy, why were you sleepin' so long yesterday? Why do you do that?" (I didn't come downstairs until 8 AM haha) I had to explain that sometimes adults just like to rest on weekends because their bodies and brains are tired. Then the older brother brought up that their older brother sleeps in EEEVEN LLLAAATER than me (he goes to Western Michigan)- sometimes 10 or noon! Its funny how wild that seems to them- sommmmmeday they'll understand.
The Kula Daddio had oatmeal cooking and a cup of hot tea ready for me when I walked into the kitchen. Hes a really nice guy. We had a nice family breakfast and then Patrick innnnsisssted that we have Jam-Eggs for breakfast-dessert. He and I made them together- the 'eggs in a nest' variation- and he was curious how/why they got the name. I explained that the bread was the nest and the egg was the egg. My bread broke and then we giggled about my 'eggs escaped from the nest' jam-egg. Kid humor is the best.
I went to yoga and they went to church. Great practice. Two of the yogis brought fresh veggies from their gardens- a huuuuuge basket of tomatillos and a bag of avocados to share. I took five tomatillos and an avocado. I love this little community I've found myself in. Makin' new friends every time I go : ) Met two new girls today and when I went to Casanova afterward I re-connected with Sid, an older hippy dude who goes every once in a while. I love making friends.
When I got home, I decided to paint a picture for the Kula mama because tomorrow is her birthday. So I went down into the garage and got to pick from acrylics, watercolors, oil pastels or crayons. I chose watercolors, because I always love painting with them- I love how they mix. I started doing a sunset over the West Maui mountains but I accidentally smeared tooooo much black on and it looked pretty awful so I set it aside- maybe going to try to revive it this week- and started a daytime West Maui Mtn scene. I was far more successful with this attempt. Thinking about the foreground, background, shape of the mountain, the islands I should include in the water and the shadows that fall was exciting. I haven't painted since I got here- which I've been a little bummed about. I was starting to get back into my art groove this summer in Lansing. It felt good be armed with paintbrushes and inspiration; applying color and creating something beautiful.
After I was done painting, I realized I hadn't eaten lunch and I was pretty hungry. I've never really used tomatillos before and I didn't really have ingredients for salsa verde so I decided to get a little weird. I wanted to make a green pasta sauce and I figured roasting my tomatillos and avocado with onion and garlic would be a good first step. I got that started and then cut up some kale, tomatoes and green pepper to sauté with chili garlic sauce and EVOO and danced around to some Andrew Bird while I waited for everything to get hot. I put noodles on to boil and grabbed the roasting veggies out of the oven and threw them in the vitamix with some parmesan reggiano. At this point, the kitchen smelled pretty heavenly. I pureed the roasted veggies and they became a suuuuuuper smooth, light green pasta sauce. Just as I was pouring the sauce over my noods the family walked in from their day of errands and I felt bad because I thought they were going out to eat and I totally didn't make enough noodles to share haha. They commented on the yummy smell but when I warned the mama that there wasn't enough for everyone she said they were planning on eating left overs anyway- WHEW. I sat down, scooped the spicy veggies onto my plate and went at it. HOLY SMOKES. Best production meal I've made in a while- for sure since I've been on Maui. I felt pretty proud because I've never used tomatillos before and my invented avocado tomatillo concoction totally rocked. Cannnnooottt wait to eat that for left overs tomorrow.
The whole time I was eating, the boys were at work stuffing the pinata. Ever few minutes they'd come over, so sweetly, to offer me samples of the candy that they got for their mom. I got to try Haribo gummies (thought of my Ms. Dre back on Magnolia), Dove Dark Chocolate and a Hello Kitty chocolate stuffed marshmallow (weird candy).
The fam sat down to dinner and I sat with them and we had nice dinner conversation about all the messed up things going on in our country with social programs. I'm happy that we share so many political views- knowing me, that type of conversation would get me fired otherwise haha. After dinner, we had the most BEAUTIFUL fruit covered cheesecake I've ever seen in my entire life. The top and bottom were thin layers of angel food cake and it was completely and artfully piled with mango, kiwi, chocolate covered strawberries, whipped cream and the edges were coated in toasted almonds and coconut. WOAH. There was a oval of hardened sugar that said "Happy Birthday Mom" in chocolate on top. Sooooooo yummy and unbelievably gorgeous. Wow.
We relaxed for a bit in the living room- the boys played "SHINER MOUNTAIN" which is a game they invented tonight. It involves driving toy cars and trains on my arms and legs which I get to move around (like the stairs in the Harry Potter movies) and they drive to different parts of the couch or floor. Preeeeeeettttttttty entertaining.
Now, here I sit, about ready to go to bed. Long week ahead of me- this Saturday there is a parent meeting in one of the boys class. I get to be the childcare provider- this means $25 PLUS $5.00 per kid for two hours of work. BOOYAH.

Aloha Pumehana,


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