Friday, September 20, 2013

USPS- rain, sleet, hail, snow, thunderstorms, ooooceannnnns...... Ehhhhh

So I didn't receive the package from my mom again today, shucks. That means another day of no pictures. When your mama pays an arm and a leg for priority shipping- and the ETA of your package is 9/6/13 its a real bummber when its 9/19/13 and you still don't have your package. It definitely got put on a boat instead of a plane- dang Pacific Ocean- so much space between me and most of you. Someday, I will have my camera cord and I will be able to share this beauty with all of you. Until then I'll just keep describing with words.

Today I found out that I definitely don't have TB. I also ran errands and worked. Didn't have too many adventures. Made minestrone soup and it was yummy. Weird eating hot foods on hot days. I talked to the Kula Mama about fall/winter foods yesterday. She said that the first year they lived here (about 3 years ago) they realized that they were still going to love and want those warm comforting foods we enjoy so much in the cold Michigan winter. You just have to eat them on hot days here. On that note, I may make some pastys soon. I love me some pastys with brown gravy. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Speaking of food:

PIZZA CRUST RECIPE is downstairs and I'm too tired to grab it. I PROMISE IT WILL BE HERE TOMORROW. I would just write it down from memory but I want to make sure I have the water/wine ratio right. I have two recipes and one is definitely superior to the other.

Tonight I went to a slow flow class. "Candlelight" yoga. It was the slowest slow flow class I've ever been to and it was exactly what I needed after my three-day marathon of work and errands. It was very relaxing but sometimes I wish there wasn't music playing in almost every yoga class. If I'm not getting distracted by my own thoughts, I get distracted by the tunes. ADD yoga. Man. I can still do the physical practice but when I song I like or (worse) dislike comes on I can't help but let my mind slip for a second. Example

Song I like comes on. I've never heard it, I make a mental note to ask my teacher who it is.
The song continues, the female vocals reminded me of Elephant Revival. Mental note, tell teacher about Elephant Revival
Next Song, egh not so into it- focus on the weird shoulder stretch thing (forgot to ask her about it... SHUCKS) Arms and back feel weird- but it an okay way. I 'backed off' a little today because I realized I could HA! Felt good-ish
Next song, Elephant Revival! She already knows about them! Make a mental note to tell her I appreciated that song.
Next song, Could You Be Loved- female cover. Nice, reminded me of my MI friends back home. Changed postures.

Seeee! My brain is flurrying about with music thoughts. But, to be honest, yoga does help the flurrying a lot- usually my brain has about 10-15 thoughts at once. So I guess 2-3 is an improvement haha


Anyway this was a kind of random and rambling post and its time for it to end.

Aloha Pumehana,

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