Sunday, September 8, 2013

Paia Bay Coffee

So, although I thought I'd try out a ton of studios before I made a commitment... it turns out I am totally in love with Makawao studio and with the price of gas in Hawaii (4 and a half dollars a gallon today- GEEZ OH PETES- I live on a mountain and drive a minivan....YIKES) It makes sense to make the plunge and get a membership there because its the closest and they have a pretty good mix of classes, students and teachers.

Also, I have fallen into step with Paia Bay Coffee. There are a few shops around but Paia Bay was the verrry first shop I went to in Hawaii and all the people I have met there are cool. They have a steady flow of regulars and its right by the beach, their staff is friendly and I like the not-so-rushed feel of their spot. Soooo even though I was gonnnna try out a new place today, my feet took me there. I read all but two chapters of "Understanding Waldorf Education" by Jack Petrash in preparation for my meetings in the upcoming days.

Although I have been attracted to Waldorf since my eyes first grazed the powerpoint that introduced us (some may call it 'lust at first sight') it seems that the more I learn about it, the more I engage with it and observe it working the more I love.

"..Waldorf education is not simply about teaching art. It is about teaching all subjects artistically and creatively. Education as an art is the goal of every Waldorf teacher. It is not the easiest assignment, but it could be the most rewarding. It requires Waldorf teachers, as well as students, to be inwardly active." Jack Petrash, Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out

What I love more and more about this curriculum is the dedication to making school a place where children learn to use their imaginations to critically think and problem solve. Children are not expected to passively accept information from teachers only to regurgitate it later. Knowledge is seen as an "ongoing by-product"- there is no endpoint or final destination. Critical thinking and imaginations are used to understand the world. Gahh. Such a beautiful education philosophy.

Here is a link to Petrash's TEDx Talk

Its not very long but this basically summarizes the first chapter of his book and main argument for this type of education. He is pretty great.

I'm pretty tired and I'm going to be a busy girl tomorrow.

Aloha Pumehana,
