Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day one of school

Today, I had a pretty low key day. The kids were off to school at around 8 am. I hung out with the babe and went on a nice nap-walk and after that I had between 11AM -6 PM off. So, I talked to my lovely grams and mamacita on the phone. It was nice to catch up with them. Then, I drove down to Paia to get some coffee and read/write postcards and ended up receiving a call from my girl Tegwen. Man, it was soo good to hear a friendly voice and catch up. Then, I wrote a few more cards and low and behold I received another call from another wonderful friend Ms. Mel! Man! It made me so happy to chat with her from a bathroom stall that I had a hard time figuring out how to turn off the faucet haha (its a simple machine, I figured it out before too long). I had to run off to yoga, though, and it is illegal to be on your phone in the car (calls or texts) in Hawaii so I had to cut the call short. We're gonna google hannnnnnnnngout later this week YAY. That means I get to talk to cats and Ross too! WAHOOO!

I had a nice yoga practice again- it was 'island flow' which is a studio term for slow flow. I am learning to love slow flow- it makes me feel really strong. It was taught by my neighb- shes a great guide. I really enjoy the way she works the 'yamas' into our practice- today we talked about nonviolence (ahisma) and truth (satya) again. She is wonderful.

After class I came home and read some Dr. Seuss books to the dudes. They were super stoked to see  "The Bipplo Seed and Other Lost Stories" which my dear friend Andy got me for graduation. They had nevvvver seen it before and Dr. Seuss is obviously always exciting and fun to read out loud. I'm sure you'd never guess it, but every time I read Seuss I get super animated and weird.

Now, I'm here. I had an extremely, smooth, rich and oh so delicious slice of red velvet cake for dessert tonight, its still on my mind. I need to figure out how they made that damn cake so incredibly moist and the icing so creamy... probably lots of butter haha- YUM. I have not perfected cake and this was the slice that convinced me that I should.

I'm gonna go shower and dream about cake.

Aloha pumehana,



  1. Just for the record, if a cop sees you with your phone in hand while driving in Michigan it's a $200 ticket ;-)

  2. yum! when you figure out the recipe, send it my way! Sounds like a great day :)

  3. So when is this Google hangout happening???
