Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Man, I am so thankful to have a full time job right now. I finally got the nerve up to complete my 'exit counseling' last night and found out that the suggested amount I pay per month (to pay off my loans in 10 years) would be a full weeks pay. Holllly smokes. I think I'm going to apply for an alternate payment plan but I have to figure that out. I have declared November "BUY NOTHING" month so my planned investment for a computer has been bumped back. But no worries! I can hobble along with this battery-less-laptop buddy of mine, we've been pals since I was 18.

Everyday I am grateful. Really, I couldn't been in a better situation. I'm fed, sheltered, hugged and entertained with kid-humor daily. I have a healthy body and I can do the things that make me happy. I can practice yoga daily and go to the beach at least once a week. There is literally nothing to complain about in my life. 

Last night I put a baby to sleep without even using a bottle. He was so tired I just rocked him and he fell right asleep in my arms during our staring contest. There is really nothing better than holding a little babe when they fall into a deep slumber. The little squirmy body relaxes and they snuggle up and stare up at you with sleepy eyes and say their last little coos and thennnnnn they're out. I just love that.

Today I played football with the three year old dude, he totally won. He knows all the 'rules' and my 'tickle downs' just couldn't stop his countless touch downs.

This is a really random post and I had more to say I think but I'm pretty tired. I'm working extra this week so I'm a little scatter brained. 

All snapchat and facetime users: be prepared. FRIDAY is the arrival of my new phone. Can't wait to get in touch with your FACES

Aloha pumehana,


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