Friday, November 1, 2013


I've been quite busy these past few days. Very industrious: I've been writing a lot of pen pals, painting and getting my new phone all situated (which is now in business, finally)

Just a quick recap of the past few days before I hit the hay.

Yesterday the Kula Mama, the dudes and I went to this INCREDIBLE art installation at the University in Kahalui. It was titled "Taken By Wonder" ( It is this MASSIVE fort all made of the coolest stuff. I'm going back on Saturday to explore by myself and take some pictures. I'll explain more then.

The dudes have been very excited about Halloweek. We've had spooky oatmeal (oatmeal with spooky (normal) brown sugar and maple syrup) and they've made ghosts to hang around the house. They were stoked this morning when they realized they got to dress up at school.

I stayed home and passed out candy- but we didn't have many trick-or-treaters so I painted some birthday cards for teachers at school.

I'm really tired, I can't even pretend I can write this in a flowing and comprehensive way right now. I got my diploma from MSU in the mail today. I can officially say that I've graduated and that means no one can give me deadlines on writing projects. Not even my blog : ) : )

Halloween was so much fun! I love living with little guys during holidays. They feed and feed off of my excitement- its the best.

Aloha pumehana


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