Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Triple Whammy

ALBUM OF THE DAY: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: Deluxe Edition
Track 11 "Remember to Remember"is beautiful- my favorite I think.

The children are currently on fall break from school. So, Friday we met up with some other Waldorf families at Ho'okipa beach. Its in between Haiku and Paia. Major hot spot for surfers and sea turtles. Incredibly gorgeous sandy beach with volcanic rocks and little natural rock pools on shore. I'll take pictures next time of the little pools next time I'm there- they were really cool eroded spots in the rock that filled up with ocean water when the waves splashed up. People were sitting in and relaxing- little private parties haha.
Anway- we saw three sea turtles! All three had these nasty bacterial infections, though, which caused huge painful looking tumors on their head and necks. Almost certainly from pollution. Its sad to see such majestic creatures suffer from likely human created issues. It was still super cool to see them.
I had my professional five year old photographer snap a pic of me and the sea turtle- he/she blends in with the rocks but you can see him/her left of my shoulder. The next picture is my dudes with their friend from school. The turtle is just to the right of the boy in yellow's shoulder. New Experiences!

When we got back from the beach, we hung out for a while and then it was time for soccer! The boss-man asked me to tag along so I could play with the younger son/make sure he didn't get hurt when he played with the big boys/help manage the crew of 5-6 year olds. It was a blast- we scrimmaged and practiced throw ins. The three year old boy is already shaping up to be a very talented soccer player. He likes to dribble around and always asks, "Betsyyyyy bump me down!" which means, "run right next to me and try to steal the ball from me, but only kick it away from me once in a while"His ball handling skills are pretty impressive for a three year old- several five year olds, including his brother,  have told me 'he is really good'.
After practice, we had our friday night pizza party on the porch. But, since I was at practice we just had pizza hut pizza, which was okay but mine is far superior haha.

While I was at soccer my friend Kara texted me to let me know she went out on a date with herself and wanted me to meet up with her later on in the evening. We planned on going to Cassanova's but its expensive and there is almost always a cover. I scooped up Anna and texted Kara and said she was at the Stop Watch- I've passed this place before but never really knew what it was. It was a DIVE! So we went there and watched a band play and met some funny old people and caught up with each other. It was super fun! I want to go there again.

I woke up bright and early to make a Cathead Bay Blackberry Jam Jam Egg before going to the 9 AM yoga class. The five year old and I made a pact to think of eachother at our respective morning activities- I'd send him Yoga Warrior energy and he'd send me Soccer vibes. We do this every week that I can't make it to his soccer games :)
It makes me happy to feel like I'm part of the Makawao Sangha. When the class is filling up, there are girls that save a spot for me. When there was an empty purple mat and we were about to start class one of the other yogis said, "maybe its betsy's? oh no, shes right there". Feelin' like a regular ol' regular- a member and a happy girl.

Got home and was greeted by boys who realllllly wanted to make some gak. We had lunch, and the two younger boys went on a walk with their dad. Me and the five year old made four colors of gak and started playing with it outside. He was telling me funny stories about the Gak so I told him we should take pictures of gak-illustrations and he could write a book. He said, "I have an idea! We could print pictures and write a book for all the people who can't talk or can't buy books. Did you know that there are policemen in the world that don't have candy or books for kids?!" Not sure exactly why the police and candy got involved, but it was a very cute idea. So, we did it. Here is his little brother with "Medusa" she is 'nice' but makes dinner from petrified snakes. His first book is a page turner- probably going to make NYT best seller list.

After I was done playing for the day, SuSu picked me up to go over to the West Side. We made it to Lahaina for pupus and a cocktail with Leigh at Mala- holy smokes every time I eat down there I think I've found my new favorite restaurant. We had Ahi Tuna Bruschetta, some flax toast and surfing goat cheese with tomatoes and Ahi Taretar wraps. It was raw fish with tomatoes, caviar, onions and seasonings- it tasted kind of like pico de gallo only it was better. Here we are at Mala and our fabulous pupus.

We caught some classical guitarists and April at Fleetwoods. Fleetwoods is a rooftop bar/restaurant. The music was killer and the atmosphere was perfect. After that, me and Suz went to her favorite 'locals' spot Dollies which was right down the road from where we stayed. I met one of her oldest friends on Maui and some real characters.

We came back and sat in the hot tub and floated our cups in the water. I swam in the pool and we sat on the shore of the Pacific and looked at the twinkin' stars, glowing fish (my mom whatever we saw floated over from Fukushima- we're still not sure what it was so maybe shes right haha). We also saw a really weird, really bright, really fast and high flying object. It definitely wasn't a sattelite and we couldn't identify it so it was a U.F.O.

I slept in a suppper comfy bed and we went to coffee and a great little shop in the morning. They had hilarious postcards- I didn't see them until after I'd already checked out but next time I'm down there I'm snaggin' a handful of them. Because its technically fall, I ate a pumpkin muffin that was Hawaii-fied with pineapple- yummmmm yummmmm.
When we got back to the house I tried stand-up paddle surfboard. I mostly stayed on my knees but I only fell once and I stood up three times. Not so bad. It was kinda windy and wavy so I was proud of my try. I'll doo it agaiiinn.

Susu had some bizznezz to take care of, so I hung out on the lanai and read and talked to my mom. In the picture you can where I was maxin-relaxin. Molokai is the island you can see from her spot. I found the coolest spider- it was yellow and grey and had insane patterns all over its body. I snapped some pics

We went to lunch at Java Jazz and I had the most delicious burrito I've had in a year. It was as big as my head and jam, paaaaaacked with grilled veggies and black beans that we perfectly seasoned and just the right amount of cheese. So bomb. The place was really unique- it reminded me of what my Aunt Nina's house in Northport looks like mixed with David Chroback's humor- really random, but well put together with a lot of style and funk.

We met up with Susu's friend Juuulliaaaaa at Napili Beach after we were totally stuffed. We went back to the Bali house to hot-tub for a bit because it was getting cold.

This morning when I was back up in Kula I went to yoga and it was taught by a dude named Guillermo. I've never gone to a yoga class taught by a dude. I thought it was going to be really intense and it was a little hard to understand him at first because he has a strong accent. HOWEVER, I really loved it and he brought us into postures I've never done before. I really liked it.

I worked today- we 'trained for the Iron Man', got gakky and painted a bit. The guys went on a walk and I made some BOMB pasta with all the veggies we had in the fridge, some parm, pesto and hemp seeds. It was so yummy and the fam really liked it.

I'm really tired, but I haven't given y'all an update in a bit. I am still alive,  I am still really happy, I am still in Maui.

Aloha Pumehana,


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