Friday, October 11, 2013

Aloha, Namaste

I don't know why I've felt so uninspired to write for the past 48 hours. It isn't for a lack of things to write about- I can be chatty about just about anything. It also isn't because I'm overly busy or upset or sad. I just feel a little like just wasting time, I guess.

Fall Break is over and the kids and I have been at school for the past two days. Their mama brought home some of those awesome cardboard box blocks that are so often found in preschool classrooms. They have been trying their hands at intricate box architecture and pondering physics. Their dad showed them how to set blocks up like dominoes and knock them over. I challenged them to make the path curve and we're still figuring out why sommmmetimes the blocks make it and other times it'll completely miss. I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll set up some situations similar to what happened today. I'll put blocks close to eachtother, far away from each other, make wide and pin turns. Eventually they'll realize a wider turn will work and the blocks have to be aaable to hit each other- a variable they can control, not freak chance haha. Its so fun witnessing the first discoveries of ideas I now consider common adult knowledge.

In other news, their daddio brought home a four square ball. Totally rad. We got a game going today and it was really fun to watch how in the fifteen minutes we played they went from not knowing any rules or strategies to killin' it (they're no experts, but as much as you'd expect a 3 and 5 year old to progress haha)
The baby was outside in a little bouncer and I was wearing pants with crazy dark and light high contrast patterned pants. I noticed that his eyes were lighting up every time I walked near by- showing he was interested. I got closer and he reached out his hands- then I walked in semi-circles around him and he would turn his little spinny chair around- eyes totally glued on my pants. I thought back to my infant development classes and was stoked to realize that my super high contrast hippy wrap pants were probably so amazing to him because he could really see the patterns. His little baby eyes are still developing- I wonder what its like to see something so clearly for the first time. Ahhhhh development. I just love it.

I made yummy yummy quinoa, zuccini and tomato casserole for dinner tonight. It smelled sooooooo tempting when it was cooking but I had to run off to a 6:15 yoga class and had to wait until after to eat. The class was taught by a teacher I've never met before- the style was a 'yin' candle light class. Holy smokes- I've had beautiful slow flow classes before but this teacher, Naima, was truly something else. She had a essential oil diffuser and she massaged us gently in a few of the postures. Her dialogue was poetic and she knew just the right times to pause for silence. Her quiet music choice was all traditional instrumental and chants- which is great for me because it wasn't distracting at all. Every time she incorporated props it felt right, not superfluous. She ended class with "Aloha, Namaste". I left on a cloud.

I came home, ate my scrumptious quinoa casserole, read for a bit and then saw that Ms. Joe had sent me an Spotify song: "Gone Fishin'" by Rising Appalachia. Awesome. I've listen to them before, I believe with the Joe-girl, but haven't revisited them very often. Wow, tonight I checked out more of their albums and I'm in love. Lansing, I love and miss you. More specifically, Katy Joe, on this glorious day of your birth, I miss you and love you so. Kisses hugs and joyyyyy to you and all of the crazies on your special weekend.

Aloha pumehana,


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