Saturday, October 12, 2013

Its Aloha Friday

Guess what, I have a job.
Guess what, I have a side job at a Waldorf school.
Guess what, it was payday for both jobs today.
Guess what, my phone is a piece of junk and can't remember anything I tell it or tell me when I have voicemails.
Guess what, an iPhone is now enroute to my house.
Guess what, I can afford nice things for the first time in a long time.
Guess what, next I want to replace my piece of nice junk computer that hasn't had a functioning battery for two years soon.

Guess what, I do what I want. And pay student loan debt, too.

In other news:

ALOHA FRIDAY! Everyone in Maui knows what 'Aloha Friday' is. What I've gathered it means is greeting the weekend with love. So, in honor of Aloha Friday, we had a popcorn and swiss chard party in the preschool classroom for snack. During yard time, we set up a little see saw with a reallllly long two-by-four and a log. The children were all running across it like a balance beam- like 6 of them at a time for 15 minutes- so many giggles, so many smiles and only two minor boo-boos. Man, Aloha Friday. I love that love is engrained in this culture. Everyone lives everyday with aloha but chooses to boost the aloha on Aloha Fridays.
Instead of supervising fifth grade basketball and field play, today I got to go down to the magical terraced gardens to watch fourth and fifth graders. WOWOOWOWW. The garden is astounding. This was the first time I spent a considerable amount of time down there and I got to really check out the grounds/plants. There is nasturtium everywhere and the kale plants grow so large and are harvested so well that they look like little palm trees. There is a huge teepee structure built with twine and sticks and there are lots of stumps inside for children/teachers to gather. 
A few girls have been working on a play for the past few days and were up in a little lean/to garden structure being drammmmmmatic. Its been fun to watch their play progress- its about halloween. Most of the children, boys and girls, spent their time working on fairy house. These are mini houses built with sticks, rocks, mud, bricks and brick pieces and plant materials. They work on them all the time- everyday there are tons of them. hidden in walls, tucked away in gardens, along pathways... They work in groups and spend time thinking about the best construction strategies. How cool is that! I'm going to ask the administrator if I can take some pictures next time I'm down there- so freakin' awesome. I love their creativity and their brains.
When I got down to preschool again, it was naptime. The children barely could sleep because rumor got out that there would be popsicles at dismissal for Aloha Friday. Usually they almost every child sleeps for the whole nap period- today 5 of the 9 present were stirring and wide eyed (still in their nap-sacks) about 15-20 minutes before nap was over. They were stoked for their homegrown and homemade Lilikoi popsicles.

The fam joined a CSA run by one of the boys classmates today. SCORE. Infinite biodynamically grown scrumptious, crunchy, fresh as fresh gets veggies FOR DAYZZZZZZZZ. I literally picked up a trash bag full of veggies. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I went to soccer to support/shadow the three year old again so he didn't get run over. We played his favorite game- 'Try ta bummmp me down Betsy' and then crab soccer while the big-kids were doing drills. He kept throwing himself on the ground and saying "look bets i fell down! hahahah!" then we laid in the grass and he started doing various yoga and non-yoga postures and asking "What yoga pose is this? Whats this called? What am I doing now?" He did a variation of tree, downward facing dog, cobra, a variation of up dog, sphinx, three legged dog, plank, savasana, cat/cow and a variation of shoulder stand. 

I came home, helped the Kula mama finish making pizza pies and then gorged my face with pizza like I do every Friday night. I almost went out to dance to some latin tunes, but I was tooooo tired. Going to a pizza party with friends tomorrow, so socialization is in my crosshairs. For now, my old lady self just wants to have some jam-eggs and yoga tomorrow morning.


Aloha pumehana,


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