Wednesday, October 23, 2013


So I spent all the time I'd normally spend blogging plus an hour making one of the dude's pilot costume and MY GNOME HAT. OH MY GOODNESS.
I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER WITH THE WAY IT TURNED OUT. Its purple and floral green and exactly how I envisioned it: perfect.

HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY [other then my garden gnomie costume that is nearing completion and perfection]

I went to the beach for a really long time after yoga. I read and swam and also napped. It was really enjoyable.

I came home and hung out with the middle dude. We blew bubbles for a while. Then he told me he wanted to play bubble tennis and went to the garage to get a racket. I blew bubbles and he ran around like a wild man trying to 'WACK THE BUBBLES! LOOK BETSY I'M WACKIN' THE BUBBLES!" It was too cute.

His dad was home so he played soccer with him while I made a refrigerator smorgasbord for dinner. We ended up with coleslaw and avocado-hummus-pesto-pasta. It was delightful. I had the middle dude help me with the vitamix- its very fun to use, when you are three. He ate every last noodle I served him and exclaimed, "THIS IS THE BEST PASTA IN THE WHOLE WORLD! YUMMMMM."

We also made a secret handshake during dinner- because everyone else out of the house. Promise not to tell anyone and I can share.


Okay. We put our pointer fingers together and say "meeeeeeeeep" in a really high pitched voice.


aloha pumehana,


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