Monday, October 28, 2013

Night of Delight!

My college years held memorable Halloween celebrations. Countless friends decked out in silly, scary, stupid and sexy costumes. Of the 52 weekends that college students find reasons party, this is a favorite of many 20-somethings. I have years of fond memories strolling down MAC with some of my favorite people to halloween parties that got downright spooky fun.
It was very odd to see so many facebook posts of my buddies getting all dressed up on my first Halloween after graduation. I was absent among the familiar faces and familiar surroundings. Part of me feels a mixture of nostalgia and an ounce of sadness- but, the other part of me is happy to reminisce from afar while taking part in a Halloweek of pizza parties, spooky Waldorf celebrations and trick-or-treating.
Early in the day, I went to yoga. Followed by a nice beach naps and note writing session- I really don't think there is a better way to spend a morning off. Letters to pen pals and last-week-of-October salt water and sunshine. MmmMmm good.

I came home, hung out with my dudes. We got a SPECIAL SURPRISE package from my MamaBon their "Auntie Bonnie" (in Hawaii anyone who isn't your mom, who is older than you is your 'Auntie'. I am really gonna push for "Auntie BonBon" or "Auntie Bonz" because it just seems right). They were SO EXCITED to receive special halloween cards and GLOWING LIZARDS. We tested them- they really glow. They helped me mail the love letters to my penpalz and then we played in the yard for a bit.
The three year old and I laid in hammocks and went on an adventure from India to Maui. We saw Michigan on the way and waved to his grandparents, my family and my friends. We saw an octopus shoot ink all over a shark. We saw jelly fish and mahi mahi. When we got hungry, we ate some seaweed. On our imaginary adventure I asked if we packed any food- he said, "YES- m&ms, gummy bears, lollipops, honey, maple syrup and chocolate. And Kefir"Yes. Brilliant.  Then my main 6-month old dude and I folded some laundry and crawled around on the floor together. I folded most of the laundry, but he did offer great moral support in the form of smiles, slobber and coos. 

The boys were totally stoked for Night of Delight. We got ready and went. I was a gnome. The family was American Airlines- the dudes were pilots, the baby was a package, the daddio a baggage handler and the mama a flight attendant. Cutest family ever.
I knew that there were supposed to be a lot of plays- but I really didn't know what to expect.

We arrived at the school and there was a musician playing a harp and jugglers tossing pins back and forth between them. The whole campus of the school was spook-i-fied.
We were greeted by Angel-teachers and they told us to wait in line until the event began. Six groups were led around campus to see little skits and performances by the older classes and teachers. It was SO GREAT. There was magic and dances and gymnastics and music. It was amazing. I've never seen such a cool production by a school.

 This is me and the dudes of the family during the first performance. A skit about a little mouse and a lion who became friends. Photo cred: The Kula Mama.

 The dudes at the last performance. THE COOLEST PERFORMANCE EVER. OH MY GOODNESS. All the little 10 year old girls that I have seen playing basketball and running around during recess- ARE INCREDIBLE GYMNASTS AND DANCERS. They worked with their teacher to coreograph an amazing showcase of their skills (including BACK FLIPPING OFF THE TERRACED GARDEN YOU SEE IN THE BACKGROUND) while telling the story of dreamlands. 
 The dudes fascinated by an arial silks dancer. Very cool tree, very cool lady- I'm not sure but I think she might be a teacher but maybe a mom. Regardless, beautiful performance.

After the Night of Delight I went to the Saturday pizza party dressed as a gnome with Kara (Prudence from Across the Universe) Avery (Beaker) and Andy (not shown because he just went as, Andy). We saw Lacey who was also dressed in her costume- a make-up-less Dia de Los Muertos skeleton :)

Here we are: 

It was nice to see everyone, as always. It was especially cool to see Kara with her hair like that. So rad.

Today I got some errands done and went to the beach and read, napped and wrote more letters.

Time for bed!

P.S. The boy's favorite new 'joke' is

"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
"Orange you glad that the Universe and God and everyone and me and the whole family loves you?!"

Sometimes the 'knock knock' part gets omitted and it just starts with, "wanna hear a joooooke? ORANGE!"Best heart melting joke ever. Except, I hope they aren't joking haha.

Aloha pumehana,

Elenora the Gnome

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