Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Scrambling time, Trampolines and Ice Cream

Driving down to Makawao for yoga after my morning shift, I shook my head, slowed down and turned around after I realized I'd made a silly mistake. For the second time in one week, I was heading to my 9:15 AM class as if it started at 9:30. Last time, I didn't notice I was already in the room and the teacher motioned for me to sit down- I'd missed pranayama (a type of breathing excercise) but not much else.
I always scramble numbers, I'm not sure if this is a problem for everyone. It kills me that my life is dominated by 15 minute intervals right now. I wake up, start and stop work at different times everyday, always on a :15, :30, :45: or :00. I start and stop yoga at these same intervals. They are different everyday, every week. When I'm at school, these same intervals are used for transition times. It is SO hard for me to keep my schedule straight. Sometimes I wish that non-traditional intervals were used for some things. Morning yoga class, 9:12, afternoon yoga class 4:38. If things had unique times, I'd have better associations for them. I think I might be crazy, though.
Anyway, I totally screwed up and missed my chance for some power yoga this morning. BUT, intsead I decided to spend my time at Kula Bistro writing some letters to penpalz. Snail mail is the most gratifying type of long-distance communication. I've had this conversation, via snail mail, with my Uncle Jack before. Cracking open my mail box to see familiar hand writing on an envelope atop all the bills, magazines and junk advertisements will  always give me butterflies and a smile across my face. Knowing your holding the same piece of paper or card that was selected, just for you- reading words meant only for your eyes. Sometimes smelling the BLT that they were eating while they wrote (Rannnnnnnnndyyyyyy) or seeing the chocolate on their fingers, coffee that they spilt. It just feels special. I just love it. My hand has been a little sore today from all the letters- all you lucky recipients better feel LUCKY haha- my fingers and hands are out of writing practice not being in school.
I worked on some projects, got a art project started for one of the little ones class contribution for a silent auction. They are making a dove out of rainbow-preschool-fingerprint-pointilism (each kid a different color- different days so they dry). I painted the canvas a few shades of gold so they weren't stark white- I'm thinking the finish product, after they all get their fingers involved WILL BE SOOOO AWESOME. I want it already.
The dudes came home and we had some of the dessert that the younger bro and his dad made with dinner last time- starfruit, pineapple, apple and dried cherry crumble. Super yummy- we had it with a scoop of ice cream. Then, they found a surprise from their mama- little mini trampolines! They were SO STOKED! They built them with their dad and jumped on them in the living room while I made some dinner. I could see them while I cooked. It was hilarious- they kept shouting, "BETTTTSSSSSYYY LOoOOOOooOOOOOOOK!" And they'd be both jumping. Then again, jumping with thumbs up. Then, jumping while spinning in circles. One foot! Other foot! So silly. Then, they got a timer out so they could see how long they could jump before they needed water- with updates on the time every thirty seconds or so. They made it to ten minutes before their daddio took them on a walk to the horse farm down the road. I have a feeling these will be a greeeeeeaaaaaaaat energy release haha.
I made stir fry with all the veggies we needed to use up- today was CSA day. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but it was pretty yummy. I cleaned my room- we're moving the big screen TV they don't use (because the kiddos are media free) into my room. They don't want to get rid of it incase they do end up wanting it someday. So, we're storing it in my room so I can watch netflix!!!! Woooop! Now I'm eating some chocolate macadamia nut ice cream with coconut chips on top- I don't eat ice cream too often, so if I want it twice in one day, whutttevvverrrrrrr.

Big day tomorrow- work then yoga! Weird! I never do that (kidding).

Aloha pumehana,


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