Friday, October 18, 2013

Weird Mom-ness Today

Last night, the three year old bro woke up to pee at the same time I did. He seemed really sweaty and he told me he was thirsty- his sweatiness was odd to me.
This morning, he woke up and was so hot! So fevery hot. He wouldn't even eat his favorite breakfast foods doused in honey, his favorite condiment. I started to get worried.
We took his temperature and he was over 100 degrees, so he stayed home from school. He slept almost allllll day. He barely could pay attention to a book when he was awake. Pooor kiddo, the few times he did wake up he just wanted some love- when I gave him a hug he was all shakey and shivery-  :( :( :( We gave him a cold bath and popsicles. He usually eats about 4 meals and snacks on snacks all day- he barely ate anything. I hope he feels better tomorrow.
This is all so weird to me. When I've taught and worked with kids in classrooms, I felt bad for sick kids but generally wanted them to stay the heck away from me. I wanted them to get better but I wanted to keep functioning. Today, I was totally unconcerned with 'getting sick' I was really worried and held him when he needed cuddles and tucked him in over and over again. I have such a close relationship with these little dudes! I don't feel like a mom, but I have 'mom-like' feelings. Its very odd.

I made "Get Better" Refridgerator Soup for dinner. Its basically just every vegetable in your fridge put together with whatever stock you have with spices to taste. It was delicious- but the little dude couldn't even eat it. Send him love and hugs please, he needs the good vibes.

Aloha pumehana,



  1. Please tell him Uncle Beardsley wishes him well, and hoping he returns to good health soon, so he can break his record on the Tramp....

  2. Poor little guy! I bet he's really sweet :). My nephew is almost 4 and he's so brave when he's sick but I feel so bad for him!
