Friday, October 25, 2013

Tired girl

My iPhone 5 finally arrived in the mail. After ordering one twice from StraightTalk, then finding out that 'they no longer carry' refurbished iPhones- even though it was on their site and it allowed me to purchase it- I ordered one from Amazon because I didn't want to pay an additional 150-200 dollars for a new phone. I got the SIM card that everyone said should work from Straight Talk and it still wasn't registering for the cell-phone-tech-genius. Fortunately, the girl at the tech store was really friendly and started my unlock process that will take UP TO TWO WEEKS to complete. Normally, it takes 1-5 days but an international system is down and therefore is slowed almost to a stop. Tomorrow, I am going to call StraightTalk to straighten this out- its ridiculous that they sell iPhone 5s, have 'bring your own phone' options and aren't sending out SIM cards that can work with them- even when 'cut to size' which usually works. Eeeeeegad.

I've been reading about Mercury being in retrograde and thought it was nonsense silly star stuff. BUT I WAS WRONG. I thought it'd be a quick switch over to this phone- I've wanted to be in touch via fun apps and facetime with Lansing buddies and this process is stretching, stretching, stretching. I surely hope that I can figure this out with straight talk- otherwise I'll have to get rid of the brand stinkin new phone OR upgrade to a contracted cellphone plan which is about twice the price. Yowza.

Even though I had technology bummers, I made some long awaited purchases down in Kahalui. I got a mattress pad to make my hard bed more comfortable. Its no fun waking up at 5 AM on an uncomfortable bed. I also got some blank CDs to make car rides more like sing-a-longs and dance-parties. The trip down to town was worth it in the end- can't wait to jump into bed.

I don't know how this turned into a complaining blog entry, but it did. I had a rough past hour and a half. How about some positivity?

This morning at yoga, I felt very strong. We were doing a lot of core work and at the end of class she suggested we try hand stand because the class was small and we had a lot of room on the wall to use as support if we needed it. Yesterday we had the same type of situation and I tried but it didn't feel right I knew something I was doing was off. I was doing all the steps she told us to but mentally and physically I wasn't prepared. Today, I still didn't 'do' it but my muscles and brain felt like they knew where they were supposed to be heading. The whole practice just felt empowering. I liked it.

The highlight of my day was running into Suzy and Brad at the Kula Bistro. I was going to get a cup of coffee and a salad to write some letters to pals after yoga. I walked in, saw them and ended up getting a cup of coffee, salad and chatting with pals. Letters remain unwritten but we talked about our adventures and accomplishments of the week. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY made plans to play Carcassonne soon. I knew it was a good idea to pack that Big Box.

Also, I made super bomb quiche today. Super, duper yummy. Definitely going to be eating that for breakfast tomorrow. Can't wait.

Time to make my bed and fall into a blissful comfortable sleep where technology doesn't matter and dreams come true.

Aloha pumehana,

Betty Boo

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