Tuesday, October 22, 2013

LESSON: How to write a blog about an indescribable experience.

For the past week, I've been seen a lot of 'errmerrgerrd paaaapers' and 'tryin' to push thru this midterm' type posts from friends back in Lansing. I am ever so grateful that I have passed through and moved on from that part of my life. But here I am, sitting with the most enjoyable type of writers block I never imagined.

How do you write about an experience that you've only been able to express with phrases like:

"It was indescribable" or "There are no words to express what I've been up to" and "It was unlike anything I've ever seen before."

So, I decided to make a lesson out of it. I'm going to attempt a 4.0 on this one, shouldn't be too hard since I'm the one grading, but I can be a pretty tough critic.

I'll start with Friday and warm up to the hard part. Here it goes.

On Friday, the little one stayed home from school again. He wasn't nearly as sick but he still had a temperature. Instead of sleeping the entire day- he needed to be kept 'busy' without wearing himself out. Aside from him being three and a half, full of energy even at half-health, this was particularly difficult because he recently has become obsessed with skateboarding on top of his dirt bike obsession. Anyone who knows my immediate family knows that both of my brothers have been avid skateboarders for half my life. So, I absolutely love this new obsession- it cracks me up.

As I was making pizza dough, the little dude was running around the house with a flip flop pretending to kick flip and ollie. He'd hook his foot thru his dad's flip flop and then jump, "BETS! BETSSSY! LOOK! I'M SKAAATEBOARDIN'!!!" He'd jump, "Whats this trick called?" "Look at me skateboard on my real skateboard." "I'm a skateboarder" He'd slide it out from under himself pick it up spin it in the air and jump back on it. "WATCCCCCCCCH!!!!"

His mom came home from dropping his bro off at school and was doing some laundry. He hopped on the folded meshy cloth hamper and said, "Mom! Pullll meeeeeee! LOOK! I'M SKATEBOARDING! I'M SURRFFFIN!" His mom and I agree: this boy will be into all extreme sports as soon as he is tall enough. He is already head over heels in love with the thrill and he hasn't even started. Making pizza dough and watching a future ESPN star. Totally rad morning.

In the afternoon, we decided to color. I drew him a picture of him riding a dirt bike. Every morning when he wakes up, I ask him what he dreamt about. His sleepy blue eyes light up, he grins and says "Dirtbikes". So, I titled the masterpiece, drawn with all simple connected shapes, so he could 'see' how I did it, "DIRTBIKE DREAMS".

I had part of the afternoon off and went to Paia to get some groceries for myself. I returned around 3 to make pizza and hang with the dude again- his bro had to go to soccer practice with his Pops. We decided to draw for a while because his brother was so impressed with Henry's fridge art- he commissioned me to do one of him on a skateboard. So, Henry and I talked about what we'd make for Patrick's- we decided a two part drawing. One side him going up a ramp and the other side just Patrick's feet and the board because he got so much air his shirt and his head didn't even fit in the drawing. When he got home for our INCREDIBLE pizza party, he absolutely loved it. I'm in big bizznezz with the extreme sports drawings.

At dinner, the oldest brother was asked what he'd do if he had three wishes. His first wish was, "I wish that Betsy would have one hundred, one million, a thousand, four hundred, two hundred, twenty five rooms full of jewels, crystals and gold." We were all impressed with his generosity. After dinner I went up to hang out with Suz and some of her pals in Keokea.

I'll make Saturday quick. I really want to get to the 'extra good' part.

I woke up, went to yoga then went to Paia. MAN. It was cool. Huge waves. So many surfers and boogie boarders. It was really fun to watch so many people with water-sports passions get down and play together. I got in the water twice to swim and filled my sinuses with ocean water- it was worth every salty gulp.

[This is feeling more and more like a paper, I almost just lost all I had due to a page refresh- thank goodness for auto save!!]

You can't even see all the people having fun in this photo. But it give you an idea.

When I got home, the two youngest boys went on a walk with their daddio and the eldest son wanted to stay home. First we had a jumping competition on their new mini trampolines. We did one foot hops and seated hops and endurance. Great work out haha. Somehow, my toe started bleeding and he helped me with a band-aid. Then, Dr. P decided to play 'doctor'. I pretended my right knee was hurt and he pretended to operate on BOTH of my knees- gave me 'sleepy shots' and then inserted 'batteries' into my leg. I took this as my cue to become a robot. So, he was a mad doctor and started cackling and 'controlling me'. We played robot basketball and then he 'steered' me all around the house. It was super fun. 

I went to the pizza party after work. As always, it was amazing. I love meeting new friends every time I go. Kara and I shared a moment over the moon- it was beautiful. I met a new friend Lacey- shes awesome we shared a giggle over lady-butts. After I filled up on pizza, the host Todd and Kara were doing some acroyoga. I joined and so did Kara's roomie Andy. We started sharing acro-knowledge and then Todd and I did some cool stuff, I was flying and it was really fun and then when it was time to come down, we miscommunicated and I shoulder/forehead planted into the yard. I was scooped up into hugs instantly and given ice and I didn't even get a bruise! It was too much fun- definitely want to play around with that more. Only next time, we'll be in sand.



So, I woke up really early and picked up Kara around 7:30. We stopped at Grandma's and picked up baked goods. We went up crazy roads and met up with our buddies.
Greeted by friendly faces, a cuddle puddle couch and breakfast cooking we settled in. We shared a wonderful meal and made plans for the day. We went on the most incredible hike to the most incredibly far-out-look-out onto the most uninhabited most beautiful place I've seen here so far. We hiked over lava tubes. We were hiking over the most recent lava flows in Hawaii- geologically, this was fascinating as well. We could see the changes in plant life and soils. THIS PLANET! It is so beautiful! 
Once we finally got up to our destinaiton, the sky was so clear- we could see the Big Island and Kahoolawe. OH MY GOODNESS. So mindbogglingly breathtaking. 

This is Kara and Sarah. I love them. There are two of my main ladies, here on this island. This is Sarah's dining room. Beautiful. I love her home.

These are windmills and the Big Island. I was sending piles of Aloha over to Brooke, Gordy and Kelsey at this moment. My heart was so excited to finally see their island- later in the day I was texting with Brooke and found out that Gordy saw Maui the other day! I CANNOT WAAAIT TO EXPLORE WITH THEM OUT HERE.

View from where we were, further up Haleakala.

View of Kahoolawe. THIS PLANET. THESE ISLANDS. Maui is magic.

friends looking cool on a rock on an island on a planet in the universe

Me, Kara and Lacey's Head. Perchin'

I just. I can't. I have no words. This was one of my favorite hikes of my life so far.

After the mountain hiking adventure. We went and got more water and food. We took off for Keokea to try to catch the sunset. We drove up Poli Poli rd. and caught the sunset from the car. It was one of the most beautiful sunsets of my life, no matter how bumpy it was.

So dusty! We were bouncing all over the place. I love this picture, its so descriptive haha

When we reached the end of the road. The end of the night. The nightcap to the best adventure day I've had on Maui so far. So, incredibly awesome.

Because this is already a novel and I'm really tired I'll just give you my main highlight from today.

Early this morning, just after breakfast the middle son kind tugged me and we both ended up on the ground. I was trying to get him to do something- I don't even remember what- probably brush his teeth. He was hugging me and I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm hugging you!""Why?" I asked playfully. "Thats how you show love!"

OH MY GOSH HEART MELT. I love my job. I love this island. I love that I have friends and I love that I got to go thrifting today before yoga AND I TOTALLY NAILED MY GNOME COSTUME. Just need to make a gnome hat.

I'm so happy.

Aloha pumehana,


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