Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Just one quick thing before I go to bed

Today during dinner the oldest boy shouted "STOP! Everyone quiet!"

We were listening to Christmas music on Pandora.

"EVERYONE, SHH! I need to hear this song!"

He closes his eyes and gets lost in the moment.

HARK, The Herald Angels Sing was playing. Its now his favorite song. He told me that instead of "Happy Birthday" he'd like his friends to sing him "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" for his birthday (in February). He asked his mom to look up the lyrics and he learned them. All of them.

We listened to it again. He absolutely loves it. Its the funniest and cutest thing ever.

I've been subbing in his class (5-7 yr olds) this week. I get to cuddle and help them fall asleep just like in preschool. Just for a shorter amount of time. Today, as a bonus I also got to see them perform a fairy tale play! It was so cute! My dude was an 'elder' in a village.

Grateful and blessed everyday.

Aloha pumehana,


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