Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lots of pictures of adventure times and the Taken by Wonder fort!

This is the outside of the Taken By Wonder fort. You can't even see half of it- this was the first day I had my iPhone so I really didn't know that panoramas were an option. Sowwwy- it was super cool all the way across, I promise. 

When you first walked in, there was a little foyer area (complete with a little nook to climb into). Turning to the left, this is what you saw. At first, it seems creepy. But, after exploring thoroughly this just becomes 'history' and 'artifacts' that the 'ancestors' left behind. All part of the wondrous mystery. 

SO COOL. All of these threads were metallic and there were a ton of different colors. The hanging chair was a motif found in several parts of the fort. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of the little details. It must have taken a lonnnnng time to get this chair hanging- the suspended chairs, man. I'm still understanding it all. 
"To sleep perchance to dream" This was one of the many little bed nooks. If you know me at all, I love bed nooks. 

 "How why where who when ask questions" This was a super cool room. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the rest of it. It was full of cool books and old games and had a super old two-way radio that the dudes loved. On the other side of this window there was a room with a TON of books on the floor and a cargo net to climb to the second story above them. 

 This is the dude who made my second walk around so enjoyable. He was playing all sorts of jazzy, classical, smooth and all-around fantastic piano music. You can see the penny fountail and the "ABC's" of the code hanging above the window.

 This room was very aromatic. Lots of hanging plants. I think some of them were eucalyptus.

These few pictures do NO JUSTICE to the fort. There were SO MANY rooms that I didn't capture. So many little hiding spots that I couldn't properly photograph and lots that I felt that you just had to experience. The entire magical fort was a whole sensory experience and everyone seemed to be very inspired walking through. Such an incredible exhibit.

 This was artwork by the same man who built the fort. I took this picture with Katy Joe in mind because of the cool wolf. I love all of these pieces though. 
This piece is thought provoking as well. Please note that Hawaii is located at the center of the world. A lot of people on Maui feel that the islands and specifically Maui is a strong and unique energy center for the planet. It draws you in. This piece makes me ponder life on earth and life as a part of the universe.

 Suzy explaining endemic and indigenous trees in front of Eucalyptus forest. Eucalyptus is non native BUT THEY ARE SO AROMATIC AND WONDERFUL. 

 This is the first red wood tree I ever sat under in awe. 

 This is SuSu and Brad approaching the abandon National Park Ranger Cabin. Creepy and unsafe but totally rad. 

 This is Suzy and Brad adding our beer bottle to the collection at the end of the cabin. See, creeeeepppyyy. 

 Are the trees big or are the people small?

The people are normal sized and the trees are massive. This is what being in a redwood forest feels like. Gnomey and very humbling. Magical. Such an incredible hike.

 Gazing over to the West Maui Mountains in all their majestic wonder. Cloud covered and hazy, its still mind boggling to me that I call this place home. 

 Me and the goats! We walked through their pasture and they looked at us funny but we were quick and we didn't leave anything but footprints. 

 Das hikers!!! I love these guys.. Great adventure time and game night folk. 

 OMG. Just holy smokes. I just cant even. I think that you can see Kahoolawe and Molokini in this picture but its pretty small right now. When you click on it, there might be some islands on the left hand side.

 These horses inhabit Poli Poli road. This is a public road and private pasture, so if you're ever hikin' or drivin' through please shut the gate behind you or the horseys and cows will break loose. 

Today I so responsibly acted like an adult and caught up with some business on my break instead of going to yoga. Then I played with the baby dude and also painted with the older dudes. I made chili and bread and I wore long sleeves for the first time all day. It was socks and boots weather- I didn't mind. It feels a little more like fall :)

Time for some letters and shower and bed!

Aloha pumehana,


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