Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pictures and Stories of Weekend Adventures

This will be a short post with lots of photos.

On Saturday I had a lovely adventure with my friend Kara. We traveled to Waihee which is sort of North East of where I live in Kula. I went up to the top of this hill before and got out into the parking lot, but I was with the family and we had hungry kids who had to use the bathroom so we couldn't actually hike. Kara wanted to actually hike it with me (she'd done it before) and I was really excited to do my first 'ridge' hike.


Every step we took, we got a little higher, the view got a little more expansive and we could see more water, more valley, more mountain. The hike took us through cyprus, eucalyptus, some meadow-y, and some mixed-jungle type forests. So rad!

I just learned I can write "captions". Here we go. This is on the Waihee Ridge trail. This is one of the first look out spots. We were in and among the West Maui Mountains. 

Looking up the valley at Waihee

Look at that! Such steep veins. If you look closely you can see the little river coming through the bed of this valley. The green-ness of this shot kind of reminds me of the Sound of Music. The mountains here still blow my mind- growing up in upstate New York the mountains were far older and worn down. 

Me and Kara, shes one of my adventure pals. We moved to Maui on exactly the same day.

You can see Wailuku over our heads. This shoreline holds Kahalui and Paia, too! This shot looks over toward Haleakala (the East side of the island) 

Fern! Love that spiral, man. So cool! Millions of these little guys just about to fan out on this hike. 

Kara relaxing atop the West Maui Mtns at the trail head after our hike. 

Saw a Wild Peacock on the drive home

Nahko and Medicine for the People! Such a great show- my first time really hanging out at Casanova!
Such an awesome show to top an awesome night. I've never really listened to them much before but the energy and vibes they exploded were so positive and happy. I was pretty impressed by many of their jams and the lyrics were uplifting. I'll be seeing these guys again.

I had a really awesome 'Yin' yoga practice with Mia, one of my favorite teachers at Makawao tonight. She encouraged, as always to set an intention. She suggested we visit gratitude throughout the practice. Many thoughts about my family and friends I'm missing this week were coming to me. How lucky am I to have a healthy body, a roof over my head, food to eat and so many people to care about that love me back. I am so grateful for my life's offerings, my opportunity to move to Maui and all of the support I have back home in Michigan. 

I was so happy to connect with my pham last night over a facetime chat with Ms. Joe and all the folks over at Andrea's for Thanksgiving. I cried a little but it was so great to talk to and see so many faces I've missed so much. Its wonderful and awesome to be in sunny, warm, beautiful Maui but its hard to be away from so many loved ones during this holiday season.

Two years ago today, my grandpa Shiner passed away. Its hard to believe its been two years already. In light of the Thanksgiving and Holiday season upon us, I've been thinking a lot about how grateful I am for my family. In our culture, I feel like we focus a lot on "how much you remind me of your mom!". But, each our elders influence us. I feel so blessed to have moved to Michigan when I was young enough to really strengthen my relationship with all of my grandparents. Each of my grandparents passed a piece of their character and wisdom on to me. 
Today, I am thinking about my Grampa Shiner's love and appreciation of the arts. He and my Grams let me attack my first canvas. I'd admire his works in the pole barn every summer. My first years really exploring my own artistic world were heavily influenced by his- as I grew up on the beach that he painted so many times, I found my own expressions of many of places he painted. I learned from observing his pieces, how to use color. Sometimes colors you wouldn't expect end up belonging.
My gramps didn't just love visual art, he also was a talented musician. He'd sit for hours and play his favorite songs. He'd share his favorite tunes with us through his own hands and through recommendations.
I appreciate the practicality and skills he had with his hands- that my father has passed down to me. He built me and Tisha the most beautiful doll houses that I cannot wait to share with my own children. He and my Grams made the inside like a real home- right down to the cereal boxes and silverware in the drawer. He loved to build things- and because of him and my daddio I know how to secure a 'lock nut' and am not afraid to embark on my own DIY missions. His gorgeous, unique lamps illuminated my late night reading when I was young and hid trinkets because they have the coolest little hidden stash spot in the bottom.
My Gramps would spend hours every day on his crosswords and sodukus. He kept his brain sharp and appreciated people who did the same. He would watch and talk politics. He read every day. I know my gramps was proud that I attended MSU and would be even more proud that I finished. He was proud that all of his grandchildren are intelligent, creative and unique beings. He was such a neat guy and I'm proud to be his grand-daughter.

Plus! He served in WWII and spent some time in the South Pacific, JUST LIKE ME. He'd be happy to know I'm out in Hawaii and following my dreams. Learning about all these new places and exploring all that I can.

Love you Gramps. Aloha out to the universe, the heavens and all that you are.

Two more days of work til my THREE DAY WEEKEND

Aloha pumehana,


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