Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cookies and Tattoos

Today was a wonderful day to be a nanny in Kula.

Our morning was again full of oatmeal and smiles. I love that the middle-dude loves to cook with me. He has made oatmeal every day with me for the past week. I know his secret though- he has a maaaaaajor sweet tooth. Everyday when we put the 'secret ingredients' brown sugar and maple sugar in he asks, "Cannnn I tryyyy???" I always let him try a speck of sugar and a drop of syrup but he always lets me know its, "to make sure its still good."

We balled it up on 4' basketball hoop before school. They are learning all about 'defense' and 'passing' right now. They think I'm a star- thank goodness for those years of high school SPORTZ.

I went to yoga and the dudes went to school. It was a great class- I love class with Trish. I always leave feeling happy, strong and clear headed.

I went to Rainbow Park for lunch and wrote some letters. I was in great company- a Wishbone puppy dog visited me about a zillion times while I was there. His/her owner only called him back once and he was too cute to really be a bother. I miss my dog-friends- it was quite enjoyable to be licked and nuzzled. And he was a Wishbone dog so it was extra cool.

I came home and hung out the the baby dude for a bit. I super extra love playing with him these days- he is learning how to interact and it is so much fun. He giggles and smiles and laughs and grabs for things. Its kind of like playing with a kitten only he is a human so he makes baby human sounds instead of meowing. I LOVE HIM.

When the dudes got home the eldest son and his mama had to go to town so I got to hang out with the middle dude. He went to go take a nap with his daddio for about 20 seconds and then he came into the kitchen and asked if we could make chocolate chip cookies so they could be ready when his daddy woke up. So cute.

No brainer there: we made the cookies.

He basically did all the work- I just measured things and he poured it all together, mixed. It was absolutely necessary that he test a few of the chocolate chips 'to make sure they weren't rotten' and then found every spec of brown sugar that didn't make it into the bowl. He mixed and mixed until 'his hands were tired' and he needed a quick break. I was pretty impressed- he is only 3 1/2. He helped me scoop all of the cookie dough plops out and we giggled when we 'accidentally' made some massive cookies. Oooooops. It wasn't so accidental though, "Bets, I'm gonna make this one big. Loooook its a monnnster!!!"

I put some Emancipator while we were baking on because its great lyric-less chill soothing music to listen to with little ones. As SOON as I put it on he said, "Betsy, I like your music. I love this song." Success.

While the cookies baked we looked around the kitchen for things to do. Their kid-drawer had some tattoos. "Betsss, do you want a tattoo. Here look this ones a dinosaur!" I looked through the drawer and told him I'd let him put one on me if it wasn't on my face or somewhere really obvious. He suggested my lower back (HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!) but I told him I didn't really want a tattoo there. So we settled on a purple alien on my forearm.

Our cookies finished baking and I accidentally slid a few onto the oven door so we had to eat them up straight away, as soon as they cooled. They were absolutely delicious. His dad was so happy when he woke up. And I got to dance with the middle dude while I was cooking dinner- we were listening to some upbeat Elephant Revival at this point.

I made balsamic veggies and quinoa for dinner and it was good.

I'm tired and its time for bed.

Aloha Pumehana,

Betty Boo

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