Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today when the boys woke up, they were talking all about kissing and getting married--- again.

This is the 5 yr olds favorite topic lately, super funny. So, they asked if they could marry me and what order they could marry me in and if the 7 month old could marry me too. They asked if I was already married and if maybe I could just marry their dad. Sometimes, when I come home the five year old will ask if I found a husband that day.

They have no concept of marriage, at all.

So, I told them "YES! I am getting married today at sundown. I still have to find my husband though."

They thought this was hilarious and were determined to become my husbands. We returned to our morning routine and I thought this convo had come and gone.

Dinner time rolls around and we're eating our delicious soup and home fries. "BETSY! ITS SUNDOWN!" "OH MY GOSH BETSY'S GETTING MARRIED TONIGHT, MOM!!!!"

"Oh no! I haven't found a husband yet! What will I do?!"

"You have 100 seconds to find him! The clouds are pink!!!!"

So, their mom and I joked about me going down to the side of the road to quickly find someone or calling one of my friends. The boys kindly offered to marry me but I had to decline, as I have a sore throat so THE MOST IMPORTANT part of a marriage- THE KISS- could SPREAD GERMS. Totally uncool, marriage will have to wait for another day.

The dudes continued to ask me questions about when and where I'd be getting married and if they'd be allowed to go. I told them that when I get married, I'll invite them. The 5 year old said, "Well I think we'll get married so I'll definitely be there." He also told me that "definitely shouldn't get married in Michigan" because then "YOUR PARENTS COULD BE THERE AND THEN THEY'D SEE YOU KISS SOMEONE! How embarrassing" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Time for bed

Aloha pumehana,

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