Monday, August 26, 2013

Moving to the Middle of the Pacific Ocean

I have made it safely to Hawaii!

My flights went well, it was a LONG ride chasing the sun. But after missing my first flight (silly mistake, easily fixed PHEW), I ended up with fewer layovers, extra time with Ma and Pa and arrived at the same time I was supposed to! I flew from TC to Chicago, Chicago to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City to LA and LA to Maui. WOW. What a day.
I sat next to a really nice lady on my flight from Traverse City. When she was in her twenties she began flying and when she heard of my apparently adventurous spirit, suggested that I try my hand at flying when I get the chance. Its never been a dream of mine, but hey! Maybe someday?
In Chicago, I had my longest layover. I ate some terrible pasta at the Cub's Bar and Grille at the airport (Just say no! Even the pasta was so greasy it gave me a tummy ache). I slept most of the flight to Salt Lake but then woke up to see some mountain chains and THEN THE SALT LAKES. WOW- I'm not sure if any of you have had the chance to fly into this airport- but it was incredible. The mountains wer gorgeous, you could see a lot of the stratification in the rocks, which were mostly red. You could see how the rain shadow made one side of the mountain forested and the other desolate and dry. Flying over the lakes was cool too! The water was quite murky but there was this crazy lime green algae or something that lined the shores and would pool in certain parts. Other spots looked really salty because they were so white/murky. I didn't get any pictures and I haven't had the time to research more about this phenomena but it was REALLY weird. I liked it. I tried to find some pictures but I didn't.
The flight into LA was neat. I happened to sit by a guy who was a drummer for The Generationals ( They were on their way to the Monterey Music Festival and we talked about music. They're music is poppy and fun. He was really kind and it was fun to chat music with him. Flying over LA was not as beautiful as Salt Lake City. The contrast between the mountains, which were unihabitated and foot of the mountains was CRAZY- immediately FULL of houses, pools, industrial buildings, SPRAWLING for as far as I could see JAM PACKED. I don't even know how they had room for trees- maybe THATS why they have such a smog problem. LAX reflected this mess- you have to RIDE A BUS to get to the terminals and THEN you have to walk about 600,000 miles to find your gate. Luckily, I had plenty of time and was able to chat with Mamabon while I found and waited for my flight. I know one thing for certain, I will absolutely never, ever live in LA. Ever.
The ride to Maui was LONG LONG LONG LONG- five hours. I tried to read for a little while but I was exhausted, so I slept for about three hours I think. When we flew in at 7:45 it was totally dark. The family had asked one of their friends to meet me at the airport, Mel. She was lovely! She took me to whole foods so I could get some grub (I was STARVING and all they had for vegetarian options on the plane were nuts and berries... comme onnnn) The ride up to the house was kind of interesting- while I wanted to see Hawaii for the first time, at just 8PM it was SO dark that I couldn't see anything! Maui, so mysterious when arriving at night! Much of the ride up the volcano to Kula is covered in 
sugar cane fields so there weren't even many street lights. I was so curious. Mel helped me settle in and gave me a tour of the house. After she left, I called my mom to let her know I was safe and passed out almost immediately.
Yesterday I woke up with the birds around 5 30 AM and unpacked all of my clothing and set up my room before 7 AM, and then sat on the porch watching the sky get brighter and brighter wondering what I'd do with the rest of the day- the family I am nannying for doesn't arrive back from MI until tomorrow at 3 PM. So, I decided to hop into the car and head down to Paia Town for a cup of coffee. 

First, I went to the beach to eat more breakfast. It was only 9 AM at this point and I was starving all day (I think it was dehydration, but today I drank over 2 liters of water... so I'm feeling a lot more normal- need to get used to this HEAT) It started to sprinkle so I walked up to a coffee shop and met a nice girl named Cher who also lives in Kula. She was very welcoming, I'm sure I'll see her again. Just meeting her gave me confidence to meet new people. ( I sat outside and drank my iced coffee and read a book the parents use to guide their interactions with their children. I'm really happy that they provided it for me- its really helped me to figure out what to expect but also showed me that everything I learned in school will be used in their home (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline and Its Okay Not to Share). Reading the books, I feel like reading my child development textbooks but instead of being aimed at early childhood educators/psychology its phrased for parents. Basically, review! Wahoo! It makes me feel comfortable to know that we share so many views on raising children.
After I finished my coffee it warmed up and I went down to the beach where I swam and read more. It was GORGEOUS ( I'll post my own photos when I upload them. I went on a walk up-town and found a spot a yoga-friend in Lansing recommended I practice called Maui Shala ( It was so open and bright. I talked to the owner, who was very friendly. I think that when I have some money, I'm going to try it out. Next I went to a cool little market called Mana Market ( Walking up to the front, it seems run down and teeny, tiny. Walking through, the building jusssst keeeeeps going and you realize how FULL it is of so many local and bulk foods at reasonable prices! I loved it- defffffffffinitely going back there. I ate my maui fresh avocado and tomatoes today and almost melted they were so flavorful and delicious. 
After a long day out of the house I returned to Kula and rested.
When I woke up today, I ran a bunch of errands and got prepared for the family's return. I'm not really burnt, but I was weary of the sun, so I didn't want to go back to the beach.
The sun is going down now, its about 7:15. It will be interesting having such short days- but its all the more reason to keep in my flow of waking up and going to bed with the sun. I am so excited for this new chapter of life. I miss my friends and family back at home, but I know that this is an opportunity for self growth and development. I cannot WAIT to see the children's school and engross myself in the Waldorf Education ( I have waited a few years for a chance to experience this type of curriculum- I can't describe how grateful I am to have this experience in Maui. It sounds like there are a lot of great educators at the school who truly will make wonderful mentors. I CANNOT WAIT.

Anyway, by now if you're still reading, I'm sure you are bored and I'm thinking of watching a movie. I will post some pictures of my adventures soon!

Aloha Pumehana,



  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this journal, conversations on the phone tend to flutter like leaves in the breeze.....your mother and I are so proud of you for what you've accomplished so far in your life, and look forward to hearing about your future studies and adventures.

  2. So glad you're blogging your adventures and can't wait for more! Include pictures!!

