Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kalahui Kite Boarders

This morning, I was chillin' in the front yard with the birds and reading. About an hour after I went out,  the birds started singing lullabies and they put me straight into a nap. It was really nice, but I started to get really warm and woke up. So, I got crafty making a little welcome home 'aloha' sign for the family. I was supposed to pick them up at 3 today, but their flight was delayed so I had until 6 to dink around. So,  I decided to go back to Paia Bay to eat my lunch and sit on the beach.

When I got there, I noticed there was a guy doing yoga on the beach. Almost immediately after I sat down, I started getting SANDBLASTED. I mean, sand in my ear drums, sand in my spaghetti and so much sand in my book that it no longer lays flat kind of sand blasted. I was having a really hard time understanding how he was staying so engrossed in his practice when he flopped out of his headstand (no judgement, it was SUPER windy, he was brave for even attempting that) and ran to the water to rinse off. It was kind of entertaining to observe someone trying to be so zen at this time. I was having a hard time concentrating on eating and reading, I couldn't imagine trying to get into a practice. Anyway, the yogi took off with a smile and so did I after I finished my chapter. After talking to Amy later this evening, I learned that Paia is a 'morning and early afternoon' beach because at 2PM it does that evvvvvvery day. Me and the yogi must both be new in town :)

I decided to take a spin around town and walked up to a few shops. I saw some cool wire wrapped crystals that reminded me of my friends Ed and Bieke at home. The lady in the shop was really nice and showed me all the of pieces- some of which had some of the most unique gems I've seen in awhile. One was an aqua aura, really cool, I've never seen anything like it. BUT, it made me miss my buddies back home because, as far as the wire work goes, so far Michigan has headier wraps :) hehe

After exploring Paia Town for a bit, I decided to try to check out the Maui Nui botanical gardens but as soon as I arrived at 4 PM, the woman who runs it let me know that she was closing the last gate! I didn't want to get locked in, so I'll just go back another time. I wish they had posted their hours somewhere, but I'm sure the boys would like to check that out with me someday.

Luckily, I have a brain phone so I asked Google Maps what else was cool in the area. Turns out ONE OF THE BEST KITE SURFING BEACHES IN HAWAII was riiiiiiight down the road. SCORE. WOW. I wish that I had my camera cord so I could post some of the photos I took (MamaBonnnnzooo call me so I can dooo thatttt). There were, at the very least, thirty people on the water. It was so gorgeous. The sun was just over the West Maui Mountains and it was shining down on all of their colorful kites. They were all zooming around looking like they were having a jolly good time. One man who sounded European, I think his name was Peter, came over and chatted with me for a bit. When he found out that I was new, he told me that Maui is a magical island and that only the best people live here. He said that as soon as I could, I needed to find a guide to teach me to kite board. He was pretty insistent and it looked incredibly fun so I think I'll have to take his word for it.

Finally, it was time to go to the airport and scoop up the fam. I pulled up to the curb and was greeted by a very smiley and very tired set of brothers and a pile of boxes. We got everything all packed up and brought home, ate some dinner and here I am.

9 PM seems to be a good time for me to hit the hay these days, so I have only five minutes til bed time. I am so excited for tomorrow- I can't wait to see what the boys have in store for me. 

Aloha Pumehana,



  1. I hear Adam is a very accomplished Kite Boarder.

  2. I know he is- but hes in California until December, I believe.

  3. Yeah, Suzie told me that tonight, but she did say that April is good at it, too.
