Thursday, January 23, 2014

Windmills and Wonders

So last weekend we went on a full moon hike on the Pali trail near Lahaina. We took off with the intentions of reaching our destination- the windmills- within an hour or two. We assumed it'd be a light hike.

We set off and never actually made it to the trail. We actually entirely missed the trail. First, we walked right over some trail blocking shrubbery and rocks, thinking that the trail was just overgrown. We lost two of our crew to retrieve the stragglers and they realized that we had missed the trailhead- apparently, we weren't supposed to be teetering on the edge of a cliff. Weeeiiirrd. We turned back and found our two giggling girls who were near the trailhead sign.

Unknowingly, by walking up to meet the girls we completely missed the easy, peasy trail. Skipped right over it. From this moment on, we trailblazed.

We tried to find the trail for a little bit but after about 15 minutes it was apparent that we were just walking straight up the mountain. We kept thinking we might find the trail but we never did- we just scaled the West Maui Mountains. Through shrubs, thorn bushes, rocks, sliding sands and steep gulches. We just went up.

Four hours later, we saw blinky red lights and knew we had found the windmills!

The last stretch was pretty treacherous but when we finally made it to the top it was so awesome. I have never felt so accomplished after an adventure.

We all crammed into one tent to huddle for warmth. It was wild listening to the woosh, woosh, woosh of the windmills when they started goin' off in the morning. Very close to a cluster of massive structures I've admired from afar everyday I've lived on Maui.

In the morning we were awoken by some workers who let us know that we were in a dangerous spot and that we had missed the trail by several gulches and about a mile. We were waayyy further up the mountain than we were supposed to be.

We packed up and were told that a truck was coming to bring us to the actual trail. 

We asked them to snap a quick adventure picture of us. Even though we were a liiiiittle in trouble for accidentally finding ourselves deep into the fenced off portion of the windmills, they couldn't really be mad at us because the way we entered there were no signs, no warnings and no fences asking us to stay away.

We were very thankful that they brought us back to the trail. It would have been absolutely insane trying to trek down the way that we had climbed up. 

We were happy.

Smily folks.

When we saw how easy the actual trail was- we understood why Kara and Andy thought we could do it casually. Sillly, silly, silly. It was an adventure finding our own trail, though.

On Sunday Kara and I fully deserved our beautiful day off at SuSu's for a barbeque. 

Hot tubbbb was in order and enjoyed.

I found this cool coral/shell/rock chunk..
We enjoyed the sunset and then snuggled in the coziest bed ever and had wonderful, not cramped tent rest. In the morning I woke up to my favorite view- MOLOKAI. My next destination for Hawaiian adventures off Maui.

I am exhausted. Long day today- went to JAWS to watch surfers this morning. I'll post pictures and story tomorrow.

Aloha Pumehana,


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