Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Merry!

December always brings the heat (HAHA UNINTENTIONAL. Upon rereading- December is usually cold but busy but this year its bringing the heat in hotness and business). But, WOW. What a crazy, busy week I've had. I was not only working my normal 45 hour week nannying, but we have 2 family members visiting AND I decided to help out at the school substituting in the preschool for about 20 hours this week, clocking in 65 hours between subbing and nannying. I've been an elf at the North Pole. AND I fought off a cold. I think I deserve a pat on the back for this week. Woah.

I haven't written on here in so long! I don't even know where to begin. Here we are on Monday, the day before Christmas eve and the energy in this house has been buzzing for days. I'm writing while the oven preheats and in between batches of gingerbread and sugar cookies.

Here is a picture of the dudes eating cookies we made together for the first round of gingerbread

Because we live on Maui, its still warm and sunny out. This makes making cookies in the afternoon quite the hassle- it was melty goopy and crazy making cookies on this particular day. The five year old took the beautiful sunny day as an opportunity to start a business venture: GINGERBREAD COOKIE SALE 

His mama helped him make the sign "We are selling Gingerbread. Come to the Gingerbread Stand. They're super good."
How could you not want to spend between 1-5 coins (those were the prices) for one of those cookies! Look at that smile!!!!

So serious. 

We've still been doing Elf on a Shelf and its still really entertaining. The Kula Mama is good at crafting ideas for Mr. Thompson. I've been helping her some days and its been so much fun- I really think that when I have kiddos I'll do something similar to this.

Here are a few pictures from the week :)

One morning we woke up and the tree was covered in snowflakes that he (I) had so carefully cut out and placed on the branches. He left them paper after we ate breakfast I showed them how to cut out snowflakes because I just so happened to know how to make them too. 

Thompson brings a little of the North Pole with him to Maui all the time. He started making a snowman but somebody must have woken up before he finished. He stops moving as sooooooon as somebody opens their eyes.

The boys though this was so cute- the Kula Mama and I made the little snowmen and accessories. 

Thompson (Kula Mama) finished making his snowman and he (I) made an igloo out of sugar cubes! He sure does love sugar. The three year old loooooovvvess sweets and asked, "can I have some of his sugar cubes". So funny, I had hot glued them all down so even if he did get one off they weren't safe to eat so I had to convince him that Thompson would be totally bummed if he saw him eating part of the igloo he put so much hard work into. 

Here he is almost ready to snatch the sugar cubes from Thompson

This picture is really tough to see because I took it through the window. Thompson (Kula Dad) wrapped their tree swing in tinsel! Sillly, silly Thompson. I have a better picture on instagram but for some reason it won't show up on my computer. They looked ALL OVER the house for him before they thought to look outside. Here they are at daybreak, when the sun was juuuust starting to come up outside with him. They wake up before the break of dawn almost every day- the five year old is spry, bright eyed and bushy tailed. The three year old always needs a few minutes to adjust but soon he's running too.
Thomspon brought ICECREAM for breakfast directly from the North Pole. It was peppermint flavored- and so delicious. He also delivered super sugary instant hot cocoa mix (we normally make our own, stovetop) They were shocked, totally shocked, that they got to have cocoa and icecream with their breakfast.

I didn't get a picture but last Friday Thompson was sitting in a tiny teepee tent and was roasting marshmallows over a fake candle. He brought them a platter of smores materials WITH peppermint bark and santa chocolate. Thompson's main food group is sugar. The boys are convinced that his sugar consumption is why he is so tiny.

He also sat on top of the shelves in the living room with a bunch of paper airplanes the day that their older sister and brother flew in from the Mainland. I wasn't there this day but their Mama told me that they determined that he flew up to the top of the shelves on one of the paper airplanes he made. He is incredibly magic.
This was another day that really stumped them for awhile. Thompson was in their toy loft! He had challenge one of their dinosaurs to play him in checkers. Thompson (the Kula Mama) decided to set aside the checkers pieces and to play with reeses! Silly Thompson! The next day the boys woke up and checked to see if he left them some chocolates to eat- AND HE HAD EATEN THEM ALL (we had put them in the freezer for cookies). Thompson needs to work on his diet.

I was really surprised that they didn't say "WHHHAAUUUTTT WHUT WHAAAAT??! OUR DINOSAURS CAN MOVE AND PLAY TOOOO!??" But I think they just assumed Thompson's magic carried over to the dino and that the dino can't just move on its own. 

The dudes got this awesome treehouse from a friend. It had no furniture and the people who lived there were always just walking around their empty house and jumping from floor to floor, sad that they didn't have anything to do.

Thompson would have none of that.

He brought a dining room table, chairs, a bookshelf so they can start collecting books and reading, a bunkbed and more! The dudes are convinced that he made all of this by himself. Just as he hand sewed all of our stockings. PRECIOUS.

Thompson made a snow angel on our kitchen counter last week. It was pretty easy to set up the Kula Mama just dumped some fake snow on the counter and then moved his arms and legs- voila! When the five year old showed me in the morning he clasped his hands  and brought them up to his heart and said, "Oh, isn't Thompson just the cutest! I just wanna pick him up and give him a hug!" I just about melted. They love him so much, its the cutest thing!

Its been a long month of December. Thompson needed to have a relaxing time in a hot tub of marshemellows. He and his good friends the Soap Bear and the Rubber ducky were having a grand ol' time. The five year old asked, "Bets, where do you think he put his hat?????"

I LOVE THIS. Buddha, Elf Angel and the Nativity. Beautiful! The boys were excited because they got a book about the Nativity and a new little sound box with a Christmas song. I don't remember which song it is, though. 
LAST DAY! We decided to put Thompson back where he came from on the first day- just right on top of the mantel. He brought gifts and put them under the the 'grateful tree' just as he did the first day. I'm gonna miss Thompson and I know they will too! It was a super fun experience and I really loved watching the glee and excitement they had every morning searching and finding the little elf.

Last weekend I went to my friend Suzy's Christmas Party and the we adventured up to Waihee ridge trail! I loved the party- it was really fun to meet more of the "West Side" folk and she had a great band play. Here is a snapshot of the party and a snapshot of our advennnture!

This week we've been ALL ABOUT goats. We've gone to the goat farm 2 times and plan to go again sometime this week. The boys checked out a book about goats today when we went to the library and have been wanting to paint goats. The five year old has decided that goats are in fact, his favorite animal.
Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of the Goat Adventures and detail a bit more about my week at Waldorf, my sunny winter solstice and my day off with pals at Mystic! I've been having a lovely, bustling month but it all feels very worthwhile and exciting.

I cannot WAIT to go visit my friends Brooke, Gordie and Kelsey on the Big Island! I'm so excited! I can barely stand it- a whole week off with pals from home! Plus, everyone I've talked to has said that the Big Island's energy and vibes are ENTIRELY different- for being so close the two isalnds feel very different. I can't wait to experience it! STOOOOKED!

I miss my family so much during the holiday season but I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be having a Mele Kalikimaka!

Aloha pumehana,


Sunday, December 15, 2013


I have been so busy with Christmas and work! I'm working at the Waldorf school this week so I'll be clockin' about 60 hours. Woof.

I'll write tomorrow but I must get rest!

Monday, December 9, 2013


I've been absent from here for about a week! So much for keeping to at least one post a day! I am cutting myself slack, though, because December is ALWAYS the busiest month. Between working 45 hours a week, sending Christmas love letters to like 50+ people, yogaing, adventuring and elf-on-a-shelf-ing I barely have any time to collect my thoughts and put them on here. Next week, I'll be adding substitute teaching every single day on top of my normal work week. PHEW.

Now, for some updates.

Elf on a Shelf has been SUPER fun. Basically, to catch you up to speed if you haven't heard about it already...'Scout' elves come down from the North Pole baring a book as a gift from Santa to explain his visit. The elf travels back to the North Pole every night to report to Santa and returns to your home in the wee hours of the morning and is 'frozen' as soon as a family member wakes up. Because he obviously looks like a toy we elaborated with a note from Santa that says that when he 'freezes' he takes the form of a North Pole toy elf. In the story, it is explained that if the elf is touched by human hands his magic will dissipate and he won't be able to return from the North Pole. As soon as he enters your home, the children must give him a name and he will return daily until Christmas. Our elf is named Thompson.
Some elves are mischievous at other houses but out elf is really cute and doesn't do anything naughty. Here are some pictures of Thompson's visits.

This is day one. The unnamed elf was on our mantel place. He had left a gift, with no gift tag under our paper grateful-tree. The boys found the gift first and were perplexed why none of the adults knew where it came from and who it was for. We 'let them' open the gift and they discovered the elf whilst opening the gift. We read the story and they were SHOCKED. Absolutely SHOCKED that Santa would send them an elf just days after they asked if elves watched them or if it was just Santa himself. SHOCKED. They named their scout elf Thompson.

Day Two (you can see the 'grateful tree' behind the table. We think of things we're grateful for and and write them on an ornament and stick them on the tree. 

Day Two: Thompson brought us all a snowflake breakfast from the North Pole! He brought Hot Chocolate with Snowmellows (massive marshmallows) and Snownuts and SnowFlakes. The dudes were stoked. "DO YOU THINK MS. CLAUS MADE THE SNOWNUTS?!!?!" Everyday Santa asks Thompson to bring  a 'scroll' to the boys. This was the first time they received 'the scroll'. "Santa" mentions little things Thompson reports he is proud of or concerned about. Santa was worried that the boys were being wasteful with their food- the boys asked their mom and I to finish their donuts and asked if they could save them for after school. 
Thompson sewed us all personalized stockings! He carefully sticked our names into the top part and sewed a winter themed animal or figure that he thought represented each of us on our stockings. How thoughtful. What a kind little elf he is.

On the third day Thompson had overheard us talking about getting our Christmas tree on Friday so he brought a miniature tree complete with working lights down from the North Pole on the fourth day (Friday). He said he was excited to see what our tree would be like! 
He brought the advent calander and also rode in on a sleigh complete with golden reindeer on Saturday and Sunday but I forgot to take pictures. Santa's scroll let us know that Thompson REALLY wanted to bring the entire team of reindeer down but Santa thought Maui was a really far trip for them just before the holidays so he suggested he bring fake deer. BUMMER. I really wish Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, "Vicksom", "Donder", "Blicksen", "Comic" and Cupid (the boys alllllllllmost know all of their names, but sort of improvise where there is uncertainty) would have come but the golden deer were cool too. 

Day seven- today! Thompson was missing sledding in the North Pole! He has been spending so much time on Maui he had to figure out how to enjoy his favorite activity. So, he was sledding on our staircase! Sillllly Thompson.

Even though Santa isn't real, the magic and wonder that come along with 'believing' is so awesome. Everyday the boys wake up and run down stairs to see what he is up to. When they come home from school, they check in with him. They talk to him. The three year old came busting in the house yesterday and stood on his tippy toes (Thompson was up high on a shelf) and we asked what he was doing, "I'm showin' Thompson my jewels I found!!!!" Its so cute! They love him.

Last week I bought these pendants from some Wookie Hippies in Paia. They had a lot of work out and they were selling their stuff for really cheap. I loooove the center one.

Last week the Five year old made me this when we were coloring before dinner time. "BETSSSSSSS! I made you a Buddha and he is in a square of your favorite color! AND IT SAYS LOVE! And there is a heart!"

I love this. I love my job.

I love this. Local artists have so many creative ideas that I'd never seen before. So much inspiration out here! Octopus christmas ornaments made out of coconuts- wonderful.

A car-stopping sunset. This photo was taken just across from the Waldorf school- my favorite place to watch the sunset. You can see all of the West Maui Mtns and both the North and South Shores of Maui. So gorgeous. Even though I live 20-30 minutes from the beach (far, relatively) I LOVE BEING UP COUNTRY. Its not so hot all the time and THE VIEW! Goodness. So incredibly beautiful up here. 
This is the older gentleman who was casually riding in/driving a limo. He was smoking a fatty cigar and watched the sunset solo. I didn't see if he got in the drivers seat or the back. 

I love that tree! I love this earth!
The Haleakala Holiday Faire was this weekend! So many awesome all-made-on-Maui vendors and fun activities. We prepared for the candle rolling all week at our house and it was a great success. Other activities included LIVE music all day, wand making, wool angel making, tropical flower angel ornaments, 'gentle creatures' petting zoo, gnome ornament making (I'll post a picture of mine sometime), gnome garden making and candle dipping (different than rolling). It was such a production! And all of the food was incredible and fully donated by area restaurants so all of the funds-raised went directly to the school! Awesome! Such a lively and beautiful event!

SUNDAY FUNDAY adventure with new and semi-new friends! We went to a roadside, off the beaten path bamboo forest. This picture is deceiving- this was not a park and the bamboo was thick almost everywhere. Where there were paths they looped and we just wandered around for a bit. Bamboo continues to fascinate me- its just like tallllllll rod-grass. I like shaking it. This was all reallllly young bamboo, too. So it didn't get quite as dark as other bamboo forests I've been through.  

WEEEEE SAWWW MORE RAINBOW EUCALYPTUS and it never gets old. It just doesn't. get. old. SO beautiful!

MASSSISIIIVVVE rainbow eucalyptus trees. Sam is climbing. She is another nanny for a Waldorf kid. Very cool girl. Also from MI. Its funny how big and small the world can seem. 

Sam has come back down to the ground and Aum and Sam are watching as Monica just monkeys up the tree, effortlessly. All of these humans are lovely. 


Just a little casual acro yoga on Hana Highway.

Adventure Sunday Selfies. I love this lookout point. Its the only town you can really see on Hana highway other than Hana. Also, the view of the ocean here is rad. 

ACRO! check out that tree!

Came home from adventure sunday to a 'scroll' on my door. ANOTHER TOOTH LOSSSST! Wahooo! I love these notes. Also, I love that all the notes I receive now are in scroll form because that is how Santa does it.

Today was great. Just trying to get all of these cards sent out! Its hard to predict the mail- so I'm trying to send them out early. So grateful to have so many loved ones to send these holiday love notes to!

Aloha pumehana,


Monday, December 2, 2013

Grateful for Life and Adventures (lots of pictures)

Wow! Its been a while since I last wrote. I had a fabulously fun filled and adventure packed weekend. I spent a lot of time tonight writing Christmas cards- I'm so thankful to have so many lovely friends! I am really, really trying to get more sleep so I'm going to quickly recap accompanied by pictures. 

I spent Thanksgiving both at the Kula house, quickly at Kara's in Upper Kula and up in Keokea with Suzy. It was hard to be so far away from my family and friends during the kickstart of the Holiday seasons but how lucky am I that I wasn't alone- but surrounded by so many new and old friends that I care about on a special day! 

I worked in the morning helping to prepare for our feast. We made a fruit turkey, a turkey veggie platter, veggie stuffing, cranberry sauce and a HOMEMADE seitan turkey stuffed with stuffing for the main course. I made 2 punkin' pies, an apple pie and butternut squash cookies for dessert. It was really fun to have a fully party of vegetarians to cook for on Thanksgiving- and all the guests that attended (about 20) were foodies too so we had a delicious and unique meal. A friend of the family brought purred carrots that tasted like savory potatoes- amazzzinnng. 

Fruit and Veggie Turkeys. So silly and so fun to make. The dudes helped me with the fruit skewers- the three year old mostly ate the strawberries and grapes but the five year old made about half of the skewers! So much fun to have them help :) 

Masterpiece apple pie. YUM so delish! First apple pie I ever made without Garthe-Farm- Michigan-Grown apples, though. Apples out here aren't quite 'the same'- usually bruised up and a little gritty/soft. Miss those crisp Michigan grown beauties.

My seitan loaves, front and center MADE FROM SCRATCH (I'm pretty proud of how delicious they turned out, never done that before) and the yummy carrots! So much great food.

After my meal at the Kula house I went up to Suzys and stopped at Kara's Thanksgiving bonfire on the way. It was good to see Suz and the gang. We watched "Sharknado" after our meal- I won't say anything but WOW. You have to watch it for yourself.

On Friday, we watched Francis Ha- which is a FABULOUS movie. Really good- I'd suggest it to anyone. The music and the filming and the story- all of it were so well put together and just plain wonderful. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. 

I had my first Sly Mongoose experience down in Lahaina. Super funny dive bar in the 'Industrial' district of Lahaina- very hole-in-the wall. Had a shot of rootbeer schnapps (first time, in my life and honestly it wasn't even that bad) to be 'inducted' into the Sly gang. We had a d-d for the night and it was really fun to have a drink- I don't really ever get to do that. 

The next day was a Kahana adventure! We went to the Blow Hole on the North shore. We hiked on what seemed like the surface of Mars. Volcanic rocks sort of look like morels to me. It was absolutely breath taking. I have never seen anything like it. 

I had no idea what 'the blow hole' was and didn't really know what to expect. Basically it is a spot in the volcanic rock that has been completely eroded underneath to create a cave. About 30 feet from the edge of the cliff, a hole was formed. The waves crash into the underwater cave and when the waves are big enough the 'blow' out of the hole. ITS SO COOL. 

Then we went back to the house and chilled in the pool/hot tub and got pizza for dinner. 

My morning after Sharknado-Thanksgiving at Suzy's farm. I love that cup and that farm. This is the beginning of Friday.
This is Saturday. Beginning of our hike to the Blow Hole. Just up the hill from where I took this picture, there was a healing labyrinth. I didn't walk it but next time I come here, I want to. Pretty incredible place to just be.

The soil and rocks had such interesting color here! Nearly everything you could see was grey but some spots had broken off and you could see exposed bright red, orange and golds. I'm pretty sure that this means that one (or several) of the flows had a higher iron content. I wanna read up on this because the BRIGHT colors were pretty fascinating. It had just sprinkled rain, too so it was super bright. SO incredibly gorgeous. 

More of the cool colored rocks.

We were hiking amongst large boulders and broken bits of volcanic rock. Super sharp and wobbly. Volcanic rock is really brittle so we had to be pretty careful.

Massive volacnic rocks being eroded away by waves crashing into them. This is a snapshot of geologic history. Looking around here you could just see how the waves shaped the rock. 

Someday, our adventure selfies are going to get us hurt. But not today! Not today, my friends. 

More geologic history.

Adventure selfiessssss

Suzy looking profound.

WATCH. this is the blow hole. We were waiting for it to 'go'.

It starts with this whirring, almost thunder-building kind of sound.

WHOOOOOOOSH it explodes. All the crabs around wait for little meals to drop down on them.

I love this rock.

I love this rock so much, I had a senior photo taken next to it. Sorry its 6 years late.

It looks hot, but its cool lava.

I love seeing chickens everywhere, and I'll continue documenting that. These are Honolua Beach chickens. So funny- they just squack and chill all day haha
At Honolua Bay we snorkeled! I've never done that! I was a little frightened because I haven't ever swam that far out for that long but turns out, when you can breathe the whole time swimming isn't so hard! I was amazed by the coral! So many colors so many shapes! It was like a salad bar for the fishies. I saw fish in colors that I never knew was possible- teal, bright purple and pink? yup. We saw an octopus and one sea turtle and a few schools of fish. It was so awesome.

After we snorkled we went to Flemmings Beach and boogie boarded. Which, again, I've never properly done. Also SO MUCH FUN. Whoa! It made me a whole lot more motivated to try surfing- which I'm pretty shocked I haven't realllly tried to do yet. Ooops. I've been keeping myself busy, though. So the time will come. I won't rush it- and until then I'll keep boogie-in'.

When I drove back to Kula, I drove the North Shore which I haven't ever done until yesterday. Its kinda like Hana because it has sections of one-lane road and major jungle, some pasture and some parts that look straight out of Game of Thrones. Tell me, does this NOT look like it could be the Iron Islands?!?!

EVERY WEEKEND IS A NEW ADVENTURE! So invigorating and exiting to live in such a diverse place.

I love it!

I need to go to bed!

Aloha pumehana!
